A collection of TypeScript utility type implementations
In the future, I will explain the following specific implementations of TypeScript types and the knowledge points involved in TypeScript types.
- If
- First
- Includes
- Readonly
- ReadonlyArray
- Concat
- Exclude
- Extract
- Exclusive
- ReturnTypes
- Omit
- Record
- DeepReadonly
- Last
- Chainable
- Pop
- Push
- Shift
- UnShift
- LookUp
- Trim
- TrimLeft
- TrimRight
- Capitalize
- Replace
- ReplaceAll
- AppendArgument
- Permutation
- StringLength
- Flatten
- AppendToObject
- Absolute
- StringToUnion
- Merge
- CamelCase
- KebabCase
- SetOptional
- ParamType