Source code for EMNLP 2024 (main) paper Lifelong Knowledge Editing for LLMs with Retrieval-Augmented Continuous Prompt Learning.
Please set the root directory path and model directory path in utils/
Then, please place the Huggingface weight file of the language model to be edited into models/
Please run:
python -mn 'gpt2-xl' -dn 'zsre'
Checkpoints will be saved in train_records/recipe/gpt2-xl/train_name/checkpoints/
You can view training information in train_records/recipe/gpt2-xl/train_name/logs/
through Tensorboard.
Please run:
python -en 'recipe' -mn 'gpt2-xl' -et 'sequential' -dvc 'cuda:0' -ckpt 'train_records/recipe/gpt2-xl/train_name/checkpoints/a_checkpoint' -dn 'zsre' -edn 1000
You can check results in eval_results/recipe
Please cite our paper if you use RECIPE in your work.
title = {Lifelong Knowledge Editing for LLMs with Retrieval-Augmented Continuous Prompt Learning},
author={Qizhou Chen and Taolin Zhang and Xiaofeng He and Dongyang Li and Chengyu Wang and Longtao Huang and Hui Xue},
year = 2024,
booktitle = {EMNLP},
url = {}