FrePPLe is an easy-to-use and easy-to-implement open source advanced planning and scheduling tool for manufacturing companies.
When spreadsheets doesn't suffice any longer to adequately plan and schedule your production, frePPLe allows in an easy and cost-efficient way to generate a more optimized plan.
FrePPLe implements planning algoritms based on best practices such as theory of constraints (ie plan around the bottleneck), pull-based planning (ie start production as late as possible and directly triggered by demand) and lean manufacturing (ie avoid intermediate delays and inventory).
The latest stable release can be downloaded from in the following formats:
- Windows installer
- Ubuntu .deb package
- Red Hat .rpm package
- Source tarball
- Docker container (experimental)
Visit for documentation, screencasts and build instructions.
The Community Edition is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later.
The Professional and Enterprise Editions can be purchased from frePPLe bvba. They provide additional functionality and professional support.