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Make a new release

Sushant Bansal edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 9 revisions

Make a new release

To release a new version of Qresp please adhere to the following steps

  • Checkout a new branch called vX.Y.Z from develop
  • Update
  • Update the version number in the files
  • Send a pull request vX.Y.Z -> develop
  • Send a pull request develop -> master
  • Create a new tag vX.Y.Z
$ git tag v1.0.0 commit-hash
$ git push --tags
  • Create a new release on GitHub editing the notes so that they match
  • (Optionally) upload the new tar file of the new release to Zenodo
  • Update the documentation
    • (if applicable) update version number in
    • (if applicable) update version number in
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