- In your repo's config directory create a file called opsworks.yml. See sample.
- Install gem
to your system. Be sure to use gem installqops
. Do not include it as part of the bundle of your repo as it is mean't to be run outside of the scope of your project. - Run
qops list
to get a list of commands you can run. - Run
qops help <command>
for more information on command argument options
You can create a overridden_built_in_templates folder within you cookbooks folder. /cookbooks/overridden_built_in_templates/unicorn/templates/default/unicorn.conf.erb
Q: For the qops qops:instance:run_command
command, it provides two options: one is run commands against all instances of the stack all in once, one is run commands on each instances of the stack one by one randomly. How do I use this?
When running commands one by one, between each execution of the command, there will be a delay. The delay is config by wait_deploy. By default it is 180 seconds when it is not defined. For now, run_command command will only support commends setup
, execute_recipes
, since commands update_custom_cookbooks
was implemented before.
When run command execute_recipes
, a comma separated recipes should be supply, for example: cookbookname::recipename_one,cookbookname::recipename_two
You can use the custom json flag for this. Example:
qops qops:instance:up -e staging -j '{ "deploy" : { "wikiposit" : { "environment_variables" : { "ENV_VARIABLE_TO_OVERIDE": "X" } } } }'
In this case the wikiposit
is the opsworks app wikiposit. You will need to change this to whichever app you are deploying.
See also: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/opsworks/latest/userguide/apps-environment-vars.html
_daily_schedule: &daily_schedule
'13': 'on'
'14': 'on'
'15': 'on'
'16': 'on'
'17': 'on'
'18': 'on'
'19': 'on'
'20': 'on'
'21': 'on'
'22': 'on'
_weekly_schedule: &weekly_schedule
monday: *daily_schedule
tuesday: *daily_schedule
wednesday: *daily_schedule
thursday: *daily_schedule
friday: *daily_schedule
_default: &default
wait_iterations: 600 # Optional
command_log_lines: 100 # Optional
autoscale_type: ~ # Optional
region: us-east-1
app_name: 'wikiposit'
instance_type: 't2.small'
max_instance_duration: 86400 # Optional
clean_commands_to_ignore: ['configure', 'shutdown] # Optional: A list of opsworks commands to ignore when calculating that last run time for the clean command. Ignores `configure` and `shutdown` commands by default.
cookbook_dir: cookbooks
cookbook_name: wikiposit
cookbook_version: "<%= IO.read(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'cookbooks/VERSION')).strip %>"
cookbook_s3_bucket: quandl-cookbooks
<<: *default
deploy_type: :staging
stack_id: 1aec9354-e1bc-4f31-8627-2208f2382dcb
layer_id: 622555c4-fc07-4ff1-ba79-0a63fbd233f5
application_id: 15904509-ace3-4d78-923e-ea10b3b2d433 # Optional. Deploy command will not run without application ID.
subnet: subnet-0cde5d27
cookbook_s3_path: staging/my-app
If you create a config/quandl/slack.yml
file as so slack messages can be enabled for deployments under various environments.
defaults: &defaults
webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/......
notifiers: &default_notifiers
channel: '#releases'
username: My App Cookbooks
icon_emoji: ':book:'
channel: '#releases'
username: My App
icon_emoji: ':rocket:'
channel: '#releases'
username: My App
icon_emoji: ':chart_with_upwards_trend:'
channel: '#releases'
username: My App
icon_emoji: ':chart_with_downwards_trend:'
<<: *defaults