This project is a backend application built for trading companies which can order and sell products from provider to end customers. The outcomes of the project is providing a list of API for mulpiple uasges regarding to business requirements.
Customers can be searched by name, address, phone.
Note and invoice can be filtered by date.
Some additional REST API:
List all inventory note, sale invoice by a period: start date and end date
All sales invoice by a customer and by a sale staff in a period: start date and end date.
Revenue, revenue by a customer, revenue by a sale staff. Input params: start date and end date. Revenue = total value of all sales invoices in a period. Total value of an invoice = all products quantity * price.
Inventory of all products in warehouse at a particular date. For example
- Back-end:
- Spring Boot 2.4.5
- Hibernate 5.4.30
- Apache Tomcat 9.0.45
- Database:
- PostgresSQL 13.2
Ensure that you have install Maven, Java and Postgres
Chagne data source in config/AppConfig with your own PostgreSQL username and password
Starting server: Run TradingBackendApplication
- Nguyen Quang Linh (s3697110)
- Nguyen Quang Huy (s3697272)