- sdk: ">=2.7.0 <3.0.0"
- flutter: ">=1.20.0"
A Flutter plugin to work with native Android/Ios sdk of Icon network
To track: https://bicon.tracker.solidwallet.io/
Native SDK: https://www.icondev.io/docs/sdk-overview
Features: create wallet, send icx to testnet, check balance, deploy smart contract, send token, check token balance
Supported Android
, Ios
git: https://git.baikal.io/mobile/boilerplate/flutter_icon_network
FlutterIconNetwork.instance.init(host: "https://bicon.net.solidwallet.io/api/v3", isTestNet: true);
return current balance
final balance = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.getIcxBalance(privateKey: yourPrivateKey);
send Icx to an address
return the transaction hash
final txHash = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.sendIcx(
yourPrivateKey: yourPrivateKey,
destinationAddress: address,
value: 1
create a new wallet
return the Wallet
object that contain the privateKey
and address
final wallet = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.createWallet;
to deploy a SCORE by choose the zip file contain the source code the sample token zip file contain in source code, pls download it to your phone
final transactionResult = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.deployScore(
privateKey: privateKey, initIcxSupply: "10");
the result will container txHash, SCORE address
to send token to a address throught SCORE
final response = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.sendToken(
yourPrivateKey: privateKey,
toAddress: receiverAddress,
value: numOfToken,
scoreAddress: scoreAddress
will return the txHash
to check the token balance in SCORE
final balance = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.getTokenBalance(
privateKey: privateKey,
scoreAddress: scoreAddress);
will return current SCORE token balance
account 1:
privateKey: 592eb276d534e2c41a2d9356c0ab262dc233d87e4dd71ce705ec130a8d27ff0c
address: hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb
scoreAddress: cx9e7f89f7f7fa8bd5d56e67282328a3ca87a082b1
account 2:
privateKey: bf589ba6e0b907dbc88b1e174444e79f39df24f8e5d0ba6bf0e104f95a2ff2a6
address: hx116e14d86771b97d50aec933685e85ad7c1d5f30
cd example run
flutter drive \
--driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart \