This is not an officially supported Google product
The Kubebuilder Workshop is aimed at providing hands-on experience creating Kubernetes APIs using kubebuilder. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have created a Kubernetes native API for running MongoDB instances.
Once the API is installed into a Kubernetes cluster, cluster users should be able to create new MongoDB instances
similar to the one in this blog post
by specifying the MongoDB Resource in a file and running kubectl apply -f
Example file:
kind: MongoDB
name: mongo-instance
replicas: 3
storage: 100Gi
The MongoDB Resource will manage (Create / Update) a Kubernetes StatefulSet and Service.
Note: This repo contains a full solution to the workshop exercise if you get stuck.
If you have been given a workshop GCP account with an already provisioned dev machine
- See preprovisioned instructions.
If you are setting up a local development environment (e.g. laptop)
- See kubebuilder-workshop-prereqs instructions.
If you are using GCP Deployment Manager to setup a cloud dev machine
- See DM instructions.
Following is an overview of the steps required to implement the MongoDB API.
- Create the MongoDB Resource and Controller stubs.
- Change the MongoDB Resource
struct stub with a Schema. - Change the MongoDB Controller
function stub to Watch StatefulSets, Services, and MongoDBs. - Change the MongoDB controller
function stub to create / update StatefulSets and Services that run a MongoDB instance.
Note: This will also build the project and run the tests to make sure the resource and controller are hooked up correctly.
kubebuilder create api --group databases --version v1alpha1 --kind MongoDB
- enter
to have it create the stub for the Resource - enter
to have it create the stub for the Controller
- enter
If you get stuck - see the completed solution for this step here
Change the MongoDB API Schema (e.g. MongoDBSpec) in pkg/apis/databases/v1alpha1/mongodb_types.go
Start with 2 optional fields:
Note: Simply update the stubbed MongoDBSpec with the following code.
type MongoDBSpec struct {
// +optional
Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
// +optional
Storage *string `json:"storage,omitempty"`
Optional fields are defined by:
- setting
// +optional
- making them pointers with
- adding the
struct tag
If you get stuck - see the completed solution for this step here
Update the add
function in pkg/controller/mongodb/mongodb_controller.go
to Watch the Resources the
Controller will be managing.
The generated add
stub watches Deployments owned by the Controller. Instead we want to watch StatefulSets
and Services owned by the Controller. Modify / copy the Watch
configuration for Deployment.
- Add - Watch Services - and map to the Owning MongoDB instance (using
) - Add - Watch StatefulSets - and map to the Owning MongoDB instance (using
) - Remove - Watch Deployments - you aren't managing Deployments so remove this
- No-Op - Watch MongoDB (EnqueueRequestForObject) - this was stubbed for you
- the
struct is in packageappsv1 ""
- the
struct is in packagecorev1 ""
See the following for documentation on Watches:
If you get stuck - see the completed solution for this step here
Important: The break-glass link has a different util
import than you will use
(kubebuilder-workshop instead of kubebuilder-workshop-prereqs).
Update the Reconcile
function to Create / Update the StatefulSet and Service objects to run MongoDB in
The generated Reconcile stub manages (creates or updates) a static Deployment. Instead of managing a Deployment,
we want to manage a StatefulSet and a Service using util
package to create the structs.
- Compute (generate) the desired struct instance of the Service / StatefulSet
- Check if the Service / StatefulSet already exists by trying to read it
- Either
- Create the Service / StatefulSet if it doesn't exist
- Compare the desired (generated) Service / StatefulSet to the read instance
- If they do not match - copy the fields to the read instance and update using the read instance
- Update the import statement at the top of the file by adding
(if you cloned the kubebuilder-workshop-prereqs project you should able to see them underpkg/util
- Note: If you did not clone the kubebuilder-workshop-prereqs project, and you are not using a preprovisioned GCE development VM, you will have needed to copy these functions into your project - as described in the prereqs.
- Change the code that Creates / Updates a Deployment to Create / Update a Service using the
- Use
util.GenerateService(mongo metav1.Object) *corev1.Service
to create the service struct (instead ofdeploy := &appsv1.Deployment{...}
) - Use
util.CopyServiceFields(from, to *corev1.Service) bool
to check if we need to update the object and copy the fields (instead ofreflect.DeepEquals
andfound.Spec = deploy.Spec
- Copy the code to also Create / Update a StatefulSet using the
- Use
util.GenerateStatefulSet(mongo metav1.Object, replicas *int32, storage *string) *appsv1.StatefulSet
- Use
util.CopyStatefulSetFields(from, to *appsv1.StatefulSet) bool
- Delete unused imports
- Run
(expect tests to fail because they have not been updated)
Note: This will cause the tests to start failing because you changed the Reconcile behavior. Don't worry about this for now.
- Optional: for running in cluster only - update the RBAC rules defined as comments on the
function to give read / write access for StatefulSets and Services (required when running as a container in a cluster).// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=apps,resources=statefulesets,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=,resources=services,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete
Now that you have finished implementing the MongoDB API, lets try it out in a Kubernetes cluster.
Remember: The tests will have started to fail because you changed the Reconcile behavior in Step 3. Don't worry about this for now.
make install
# install the CRDs
make run
# run the controller as a local process- Note: this will not return, you will need to open another shell or send it to the background for the next steps.
Edit config/samples/databases_v1alpha1_mongodb.yaml
kind: MongoDB
name: mongo-instance
replicas: 1
storage: 100Gi
- create the mongodb instance
kubectl apply -f config/samples/databases_v1alpha1_mongodb.yaml
- observe output from Controller
- look at created resources
kubectl get monogodbs,statefulsets,services,pods
(no spaces)- note: the containers may be creating - wait for them to come up
kubectl describe pods
kubectl logs mongo-instance-mongodb-statefulset-0 mongo
kubectl run mongo-test -t -i --rm --image mongo bash
mongo <cluster ip address of mongodb service>:27017
- delete the mongodb instance
kubectl delete -f config/samples/databases_v1alpha1_mongodb.yaml
- look for garbage collected resources (they should be gone)
kubectl get monogodbs
kubectl get statefulsets
kubectl get services
kubectl get pods
- recreate the MongoDB instance
kubectl apply -f config/samples/databases_v1alpha1_mongodb.yaml
- Try deleting the StatefulSet - what happens when you look for it?
- Try deleting the Service - what happens when you look for it?
- Try adding fields to control new things such as the Port
If you finish early, or want to continue working on your API after the workshop, try these exercises.
Build your Controller into a container and host it on the cluster itself.
- requires installing kustomize
- requires installing docker
- requires updating the RBAC rules
IMG=foo make docker-build
&&IMG=foo make docker-push
kustomize build config/default > mongodb_api.yaml
kubectl apply -f mongodb_api.yaml
- Get logs from the Controller using
kubectl logs
- Add validation tags to the struct fields as annotation comments
- Event docs
- Use
kubectl describe
to view the events - Add Status fields
- Define list of Conditions (e.g. Node Conditions)
- Use kustomize to patch the generated crd with the
Allow further customization of what gets generated by adding more fields to the Resource type
- ports
- bind-ips
- side-car options
- namespace (KUBE_NAMESPACE)
- setup username / password from a secret (MONGODB_USERNAME / MONGODB_PASSWORD)
Update the tests to check the Controller logic you added
- verify creation of StatefulSet and Service
- verify update of StatefulSet and Service
Add logic to the Reconcile to handle MongoDB lifecycle events such as upgrades / downgrades.