Source code for my blog at
My passion for sharing knowledge led me to create my blog from the ground up. Writing about my experiences and discoveries in the world of programming became my integral part of my learning process. This journey has not only deepened my understanding of programming but also enabled me to contribute to the broader community by offering insights, solutions and inspiration. Remember, knowledge is a torch; the more you share it, the brighter it shines for others to follow.
This service serves as the backbone in a microservices architecture, collaborating with various components:
- Content repository:
- Email newsletter:
- Comment system:
- POST /webhook: handle incoming webhook events. It decodes the header, performs
git pull
, and triggers the content reload. - GET /{year}/{month}/{day}/{postTitle}: get blog posts by year, month, day or specific one.
- GET /categories/{name}: get blog posts by specific category.
- GET /tags: list all tags and the number of blog posts for each tag.
- GET /tags/{name}: get blog posts by specific tag.
- GET /search?q={keywords}: search blog posts by keywords
- GET /archives: archived posts
type Post struct {
ID int
URI string
Title string
Date publishDate
Description string
Images []string
Content template.HTML
Summary template.HTML
Truncated bool
Categories []string
Tags []string
HasPrev bool
HasNext bool
graph TD
u((User)) --> lb(Load Balancer)
lb --> b(blog)
b -->|GET /search| s(search)
s -->|Read| bp[(blog-posts)]
b -->|POST /subscriptions| mb(mailbus)
mb -->|Write| db1[(Database)]
b -->|POST /comments| tk(talkie)
tk -->|Write| db2[(Database)]
Owner ->> blog-posts: Add new Markdown files
blog-posts ->> blog: POST /webhook
blog ->> blog-posts: Fetch updated content
blog ->> blog: Parse and render content
blog ->> blog: Update search index
- Install:
$ go get -v
- Create a root directory for your blog:
$ mkdir -p some/dir
- Copy the HTML templates, assets:
$ cp -r /path/to/blog/http/html/templates some/dir/
$ cp -r /path/to/blog/http/assets some/dir/
- Create a
file insome/dir
dir: templates
- Create your first blog post
title: Test
date: Thu Sep 19 21:48:39 +07 2019
description: Just a test
- test
- Run:
$ cd some/dir
$ /path/to/gopath/bin/blog
Then open a browser and access your blog at http://localhost.