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Merge pull request #210 from quantopian/round-trip2
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ENH Round trip tearheet and supporting functions
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a-campbell committed Nov 23, 2015
2 parents 5e8f2d9 + 153c870 commit 1157f0c
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Showing 10 changed files with 744 additions and 52 deletions.
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions pyfolio/examples/round_trip_example.ipynb

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113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions pyfolio/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,13 @@

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
import matplotlib.lines as mlines

from sklearn import preprocessing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1402,3 +1404,114 @@ def cumulate_returns(x):

return ax

def plot_round_trip_life_times(round_trips, ax=None):
Plots timespans and directions of round trip trades.
round_trips : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with one row per round trip trade.
- See full explanation in round_trips.extract_round_trips
ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional
Axes upon which to plot.
ax : matplotlib.Axes
The axes that were plotted on.
if ax is None:
ax = plt.subplot()

symbols = round_trips.symbol.unique()
symbol_idx = pd.Series(np.arange(len(symbols)), index=symbols)

for symbol, sym_round_trips in round_trips.groupby('symbol'):
for _, row in sym_round_trips.iterrows():
c = 'b' if row.long else 'r'
y_ix = symbol_idx[symbol]
ax.plot([row['open_dt'], row['close_dt']],
[y_ix, y_ix], color=c)


red_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='r', label='Short')
blue_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='b', label='Long')
ax.legend(handles=[red_line, blue_line], loc=0)

return ax

def show_profit_attribution(round_trips):
Prints the share of total PnL contributed by each
traded name.
round_trips : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with one row per round trip trade.
- See full explanation in round_trips.extract_round_trips
ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional
Axes upon which to plot.
ax : matplotlib.Axes
The axes that were plotted on.

total_pnl = round_trips['pnl'].sum()
pct_profit_attribution = round_trips.groupby(
'symbol')['pnl'].sum() / total_pnl

print('\nProfitability (PnL / PnL total) per name:')
print(pct_profit_attribution.sort(inplace=False, ascending=False))

def plot_prob_profit_trade(round_trips, ax=None):
Plots a probability distribution for the event of making
a profitable trade.
round_trips : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with one row per round trip trade.
- See full explanation in round_trips.extract_round_trips
ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional
Axes upon which to plot.
ax : matplotlib.Axes
The axes that were plotted on.

x = np.linspace(0, 1., 500)

round_trips['profitable'] = round_trips.pnl > 0

dist = sp.stats.beta(round_trips.profitable.sum(),
y = dist.pdf(x)
lower_perc = dist.ppf(.025)
upper_perc = dist.ppf(.975)

lower_plot = dist.ppf(.001)
upper_plot = dist.ppf(.999)

if ax is None:
ax = plt.subplot()

ax.plot(x, y)
ax.axvline(lower_perc, color='0.5')
ax.axvline(upper_perc, color='0.5')

ax.set(xlabel='Probability making a profitable decision', ylabel='Belief',
xlim=(lower_plot, upper_plot), ylim=(0, y.max() + 1.))

return ax
248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions pyfolio/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
# Copyright 2015 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
from collections import defaultdict

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def extract_round_trips(transactions):
Group transactions into "round trips." A round trip is started when a new
long or short position is opened and is only completed when the number
of shares in that position returns to or crosses zero.
Computes pnl for each round trip.
For example, the following transactions would constitute one round trip:
index amount price symbol
2004-01-09 12:18:01 186 324.12 'AAPL'
2004-01-09 15:12:53 -10 344.54 'AAPL'
2004-01-13 14:41:23 24 320.21 'AAPL'
2004-01-30 10:23:34 -200 340.43 'AAPL'
transactions : pd.DataFrame
Prices and amounts of executed trades. One row per trade.
- See full explanation in tears.create_full_tear_sheet
round_trips : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with one row per round trip.
# Transactions that cross zero must be split into separate
# long and short transactions that end/start on zero.
transactions_split = split_trades(transactions)

transactions_split['txn_dollars'] = \
-transactions_split['amount'] * transactions_split['price']

round_trips = defaultdict(list)

for sym, trans_sym in transactions_split.groupby('symbol'):
trans_sym = trans_sym.sort_index()
amount_cumsum = trans_sym.amount.cumsum()
# Find indicies where the position amount returns to zero.
closed_idx = np.where(amount_cumsum == 0)[0] + 1
# Identify the first trade as the beginning of a round trip.
closed_idx = np.insert(closed_idx, 0, 0)

for trade_start, trade_end in zip(closed_idx, closed_idx[1:]):
txn = trans_sym.iloc[trade_start:trade_end]

if len(txn) == 0:

assert txn.amount.sum() == 0
long_trade = txn.amount.iloc[0] > 0
pnl = txn.txn_dollars.sum()
round_trips['duration'].append(txn.index[-1] - txn.index[0])

# Investing txns push the position amount farther from zero.
# invested is always a positive value. Returned - Invested = PnL.
if long_trade:
invested = -txn.query('txn_dollars < 0').txn_dollars.sum()
invested = txn.query('txn_dollars > 0').txn_dollars.sum()

if invested == 0:
round_trips['returns'].append(pnl / invested)

if len(round_trips) == 0:
return pd.DataFrame([])

round_trips = pd.DataFrame(round_trips)
round_trips = round_trips[['open_dt', 'close_dt', 'duration',
'pnl', 'returns', 'long', 'symbol']]

return round_trips

def split_trades(transactions):
Splits transactions that cause total position amount to cross zero.
In other words, separates of the closing of one short/long position
with the opening of a new long/short position.
For example, the second transaction in this transactions DataFrame
would be divided as shown in the second DataFrame:
index amount price symbol
2004-01-09 12:18:01 180 324.12 'AAPL'
2004-01-09 15:12:53 -200 344.54 'AAPL'
index amount price symbol
2004-01-09 12:18:01 180 324.12 'AAPL'
2004-01-09 15:12:53 -180 344.54 'AAPL'
2004-01-09 15:12:54 -20 344.54 'AAPL'
transactions : pd.DataFrame
Prices and amounts of executed trades. One row per trade.
- See full explanation in tears.create_full_tear_sheet
transactions_split : pd.DataFrame
Prices and amounts of executed trades. Trades that cause
total position amount to cross zero are divided.

trans_split = []

for sym, trans_sym in transactions.groupby('symbol'):
trans_sym = trans_sym.sort_index()

while True:
cum_amount = trans_sym.amount.cumsum()
# find the indicies where position amount crosses zero
sign_flip = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(np.sign(cum_amount))) == 2)[0]

if len(sign_flip) == 0:
break # all sign flips are converted

sign_flip = sign_flip[0] + 2

txn = trans_sym.iloc[:sign_flip]

left_over_txn_amount = txn.amount.sum()
assert left_over_txn_amount != 0

split_txn_1 = txn.iloc[[-1]].copy()
split_txn_2 = txn.iloc[[-1]].copy()

split_txn_1['amount'] -= left_over_txn_amount
split_txn_2['amount'] = left_over_txn_amount

# Delay 2nd trade by a second to avoid overlapping indices
split_txn_2.index += pd.Timedelta(seconds=1)

assert split_txn_1.amount.iloc[0] + \
split_txn_2.amount.iloc[0] == txn.iloc[-1].amount
assert trans_sym.iloc[:sign_flip - 1].amount.sum() + \
split_txn_1.amount.iloc[0] == 0

# Recreate transactions so far with split transaction
trans_sym = pd.concat([trans_sym.iloc[:sign_flip - 1],

assert np.all(np.abs(np.diff(np.sign(trans_sym.amount.cumsum()))) != 2)

transactions_split = pd.concat(trans_split)

return transactions_split

def add_closing_transactions(positions, transactions):
Appends transactions that close out all positions at the end of
the timespan covered by positions data. Utilizes pricing information
in the positions DataFrame to determine closing price.
positions : pd.DataFrame
The positions that the strategy takes over time.
transactions : pd.DataFrame
Prices and amounts of executed trades. One row per trade.
- See full explanation in tears.create_full_tear_sheet
closed_txns : pd.DataFrame
Transactions with closing transactions appended.

closed_txns = transactions.copy()

pos_at_end = positions.drop('cash', axis=1).iloc[-1]
open_pos = pos_at_end.replace(0, np.nan).dropna()
# Add closing trades one second after the close to be sure
# they don't conflict with other trades executed at that time.
end_dt = + pd.Timedelta(seconds=1)

for sym, ending_val in open_pos.iteritems():
txn_sym = transactions[transactions.symbol == sym]

ending_amount = txn_sym.amount.sum()

ending_price = ending_val / ending_amount
closing_txn = {'symbol': sym,
'amount': -ending_amount,
'price': ending_price}

closing_txn = pd.DataFrame(closing_txn, index=[end_dt])
closed_txns = closed_txns.append(closing_txn)

return closed_txns

def apply_sector_mappings_to_round_trips(round_trips, sector_mappings):
Translates round trip symbols to sectors.
round_trips : pd.DataFrame
DataFrame with one row per round trip trade.
- See full explanation in round_trips.extract_round_trips
sector_mappings : dict or pd.Series, optional
Security identifier to sector mapping.
Security ids as keys, sectors as values.
sector_round_trips : pd.DataFrame
Round trips with symbol names replaced by sector names.

sector_round_trips = round_trips.copy()
sector_round_trips.symbol = sector_round_trips.symbol.apply(
lambda x: sector_mappings.get(x, 'No Sector Mapping'))
sector_round_trips = sector_round_trips.dropna(axis=0)

return sector_round_trips

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