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2025-T6: Code health and project maintenance

No due date 26% complete

Perform general code/project maintenance.

  • Determine what vendor packages are unused and too costly to maintain. Decide if they should be deprecated or converted to independent projects. Move them out of the Cirq repository.
  • Improve developer tools and experience. Use ruff for fast linting and formatting. Check if we are approaching PyPI storage limits; i…

Perform general code/project maintenance.

  • Determine what vendor packages are unused and too costly to maintain. Decide if they should be deprecated or converted to independent projects. Move them out of the Cirq repository.
  • Improve developer tools and experience. Use ruff for fast linting and formatting. Check if we are approaching PyPI storage limits; if so, switch to a daily or weekly dev-release cadence.
  • Keep third_party/py/cirq and third_party/py/cirq_google modules operational and weekly-updated.