Releases: quantumlib/OpenFermion-PySCF
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.5
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.4
Minor release necessary to sync the library with PySCF.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.3
Third production release. Necessary because readme encoding issue caused some systems install problems.
- Fixed readme encoding issue.
- Added stable continuous integration using Travis.
- Added functions for directly generating InteractionOperators.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.2
New release makes plugin consistent with breaking changes in OpenFermion core introduced in OpenFermion v0.6. This release also features a new data structure: PyscfMolecularData.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.1
First production release! Improvements over previous alpha version includes:
- Now uses PySCF to store overlap matrix from mean-field calculations.
- Updated README with citations.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.1a3
- Adds AO overlap integrals into data.
- Ensures compatibility with latest OpenFermion.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.1a2
- Adapted library to breaking changes in OpenFermion v0.1a3.
- Removed buggy example in
- Improved installation instructions.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.1a1
- Clarified installation instructions.
- Removed inconsistencies in manifest and readme.
- Updated package requirements.
OpenFermion-PySCF v0.1a0
First alpha release of OpenFermion-PySCF. Release is mostly a fork from FermiLib-Plugin-PySCF with adaptations to support OpenFermion instead of FermiLib.
Initial commit made on behalf of Ryan Babbush (Google), Jarrod McClean (Google), Ian Kivlichan (Harvard), Damian Steiger (ETH Zurich), Thomas Haner (ETH Zurich) and Dave Bacon (Google).