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kenfinnigan committed Jun 3, 2021
1 parent cc94f11 commit f75b6e9
Showing 1 changed file with 182 additions and 0 deletions.
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/main/asciidoc/opentelemetry.adoc
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@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
This guide is maintained in the main Quarkus repository
and pull requests should be submitted there:
= Quarkus - Using OpenTelemetry


This guide explains how your Quarkus application can utilize[OpenTelemetry] to provide
distributed tracing for interactive web applications.

== Prerequisites

To complete this guide, you need:

* less than 15 minutes
* an IDE
* JDK 11+ installed with `JAVA_HOME` configured appropriately
* Apache Maven {maven-version}
* Docker

== Architecture

In this guide, we create a straightforward REST application to demonstrate distributed tracing.

== Solution

We recommend that you follow the instructions in the next sections and create the application step by step.
However, you can skip right to the completed example.

Clone the Git repository: `git clone {quickstarts-clone-url}`, or download an {quickstarts-archive-url}[archive].

The solution is located in the `opentelemetry-quickstart` {quickstarts-tree-url}/opentelemetry-quickstart[directory].

== Creating the Maven project

First, we need a new project. Create a new project with the following command:

mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:{quarkus-version}:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=opentelemetry-quickstart \
-DclassName="org.acme.opentelemetry.TracedResource" \
-Dpath="/hello" \
cd opentelemetry-quickstart

This command generates the Maven project with a REST endpoint and imports the `quarkus-opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger` extension,
which includes the OpenTelemetry support,
and a gRPC span exporter for[Jaeger].

If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the `quarkus-opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger` extension
to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:

./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="opentelemetry-jaeger-exporter"

This will add the following to your `pom.xml`:


=== Examine the JAX-RS resource

Open the `src/main/java/org/acme/opentelemetry/` file and see the following content:

package org.acme.opentelemetry;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
public class TracedResource {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TracedResource.class);
public String hello() {"hello");
return "hello";

Notice that there is no tracing specific code included in the application. By default, requests sent to this
endpoint will be traced without any required code changes.

=== Create the configuration

There are two ways to configure the Jaeger gRPC Exporter within the application.

The first approach is by providing the properties within the `src/main/resources/` file:

---- // <1>
quarkus.opentelemetry.enabled=true // <2>
quarkus.opentelemetry.tracer.exporter.jaeger.endpoint=http://localhost:14250 // <3>

<1> All spans created from the application will include an OpenTelemetry `Resource` indicating the span was created by the `myservice` application. If not set, it will default to the artifact id.
<2> Whether OpenTelemetry is enabled or not. The default is `true`, but shown here to indicate how it can be disabled
<3> gRPC endpoint for sending spans.

== Run the application

The first step is to start the[Jaeger] "all in one" to collect and display the captured traces:

docker run -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -p 5778:5778 -p 16686:16686 -p 14250:14250 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest

Now we are ready to run our application. If using `` to configure the tracer:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

or if configuring the Jaeger gRPC endpoint via environment variables:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev -Djvm.args="-DQUARKUS_OPENTELEMETRY_TRACER_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:14250"

With the Jaeger system and application running, you can make a request to the provided endpoint:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello

Then visit the http://localhost:16686[Jaeger UI] to see the tracing information.

Hit `CTRL+C` to stop the application.

== Additional instrumentation

Some Quarkus extensions will require additional code to ensure traces are propagated to subsequent execution.
These sections will outline what is necessary to propagate traces across process boundaries.

The instrumentation documented in this section has been tested with Quarkus and works in both standard and native mode.

=== SmallRye Reactive Messaging - Kafka

When using the SmallRye Reactive Messaging extension for Kafka,
we are able to propagate the span into the Kafka Record with:


The above creates a `Metadata` object we can add to the `Message` being produced,
which retrieves the OpenTelemetry `Context` to extract the current span for propagation.

== OpenTelemetry Configuration Reference

include::{generated-dir}/config/quarkus-opentelemetry.adoc[leveloffset=+1, opts=optional]
include::{generated-dir}/config/quarkus-opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger.adoc[leveloffset=+1, opts=optional]

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