Simple stopwatch app for M5Stack Cardputer
- M5Stack Cardputer
- SD Card
- Arduino IDE and libraries: M5Cardputer
- M5Launcher firmware installed on M5Stack Cardputer
Download stopwatch-cardputer.ino and open it in Arduino IDE. Go to Tools > Board and select M5Stack > M5StampS3. Then Go to Sketch > Export Compiled Binary and wait until it finishes. After that go to Sketch > Show sketch folder, then go to build/m5stack.esp32.m5stack_stamp_s3 and there should be a file called stopwatch-cardputer.ino.bin. Put it on your SD Card, then put the SD Card in your M5Stack Cardputer and launch it from the M5Launcher. That's pretty much it, enjoy!
Go to the Releases tab and download stopwatch-cardputer.bin. Put it on the SD Card, then put the SD Card in your M5Stack Cardputer and launch it from the M5Launcher.
- Press any button on the keyboard to start/stop the stopwatch
- Press BtnGO to reset the stopwatch