This is a python software with tools for error correction simulations.
- The simulations are performed via the Clifford formalism of keeping track of the stabilizers. The Tableau approach for simulating circuits introduced by Aaronson and Gottesman is also available.
- Error correction codes: By default, the surface code and 5-qubit code are included, but other error correction codes can easily be introduced.
- Available error models include Pauli errors and measurement errors.
- Decoding is possible via PyMatching and also via a lookup decoder.
- A visualizer is included to easily understand where the errors occurred and how they were corrected.
The software can be performed by cloning from Github via
git clone
and installing using
(appending additional flags such as --user
if desired):
python install
The package can then be loaded using
import error_correction_sim
To explore how to use ProtoPlaqette, we recommend exploring the Jupyter notebooks in the examples folder. Detailed in-file docstrings are available describing all functionality in the source code.
was developed by Dres. Shreya Kumar and Ish Dhand under guidance of Prof. Dr. Martin B Plenio with funding from the BMBF project PhoQuant. The concepts explored here were developed further in the all-encompassing fault-tolerance software package Plaquette, which was created by QCDesign and funded by the BMBF project PhotoQ. Note that ProtoPlaqette and Plaquette are different packages and share no code.