QuidPHP/Assert repository contains an application to run the testsuite. This testsuite contains roughly 15000 assertions which will thoroughly test your PHP setup. It also comes with some JavaScript tests.
QuidPHP/Assert is available as an open-source software under the MIT license.
QuidPHP/Assert documentation is available at QuidPHP/Docs.
QuidPHP/Assert can be easily installed with Composer. It is available on Packagist.
$ composer create-project quidphp/assert --prefer-dist
QuidPHP/Assert requires the following:
- Apache or Nginx server (running on MacOs or Linux environment).
- Works in Windows environment but there are known issues.
- PHP 8.1
- with these extensions:
- ctype
- curl
- date
- fileinfo
- gd
- iconv
- json
- mbstring
- pcre
- openssl
- session
- SimpleXML
- zip
- pdo_mysql
- and these PHP INI directives
- post_max_size must be at least 1MB
- post_max_size must be larger than upload_max_filesize
- memory_limit must be at least 128MB
- with these extensions:
- Mysql (>= 8.0) or MariaDB (>= 10.4) database
- Any modern browser (not Internet Explorer)
QuidPHP/Assert has the following dependency:
- quidphp/site - Quid\Site - Extended platform to build a website using the QuidPHP framework and LemurCMS
All dependencies will be resolved by using the Composer installation process.
Once the installation is complete, simply follow these steps:
- Make sure the main directory and all sub-directories are writable by your web server.
- Configure an Apache Virtual Host or Nginx Server Block in order to have a domain pointing to the public folder document root.
- Import db.sql within a new Mysql/MariaDB database.
- Duplicate the env-default.php file and rename it to env.php.
- Update the scheme hosts within the env.php file to reflect your server configuration.
- Update the database parameters within the env.php file.
From your web browser, enter the URL to the public/index.php entry file.
Open the project folder in the Command Line. You may now submit a command in the following format:
php quid
php quid :prod/assert
QuidPHP/Assert contains 9 files. Here is an overview:
- .gitignore - Standard .gitignore file for the testsuite
- composer.json - File declaring all Composer PHP dependencies
- db.sql - Sql database required for the QuidPHP testsuite
- env-default.php - Declare environment data for the testsuite, copy this file and rename to env.php
- LICENSE - MIT License file for the repository
- quid - File for booting the testsuite via CLI
- README.md - This readme file in markdown format
- public/.htaccess - Simple apache directive file, requires mod_rewrite
- public/index.php - Index file for booting the testsuite via an HTTP request
- The testsuite fails on Windows when using the Command Prompt.
- On Windows, there are some problems related to creating symlinks.
- On Windows, you will need to add lower_case_table_names = 2 in your database configuration file (my.cnf). The table and column names need to be stored in their natural case.
- On some setup, you may need to add your domain to your system hosts file. If not, some assertions involving curl may fail.