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Deploying to a local CRC Cluster

Brad Smith edited this page Jun 21, 2023 · 24 revisions

Deploying Discovery to a local Code-Ready-Container cluster.

These instructions will deploy Discovery using the developer account on CRC (api.crc.testing:6443) and into the discovery namespace. Prerequisite is that the Openshift-Local (CRC) and related oc and podman or docker are installed.

First step is to build the quipucords container image.

$ cd ~/projects/quipucords
$ make build-container
# docker tag quipucords:latest
$ docker push

Then back in the discovery-deployer repo, simply run discodeploy --deploy:

$ cd ~/projects/discovery-deployer
$ ./discodeploy --deploy
Discovery Deployer ...

OCP_SERVER (api.crc.testing:6443): 
OCP_USER (developer): 
OCP_PASSWORD (*********): 
DISCOVERY_NAMESPACE (discovery): discovery
APPLICATION_DOMAIN_SUFFIX (apps-crc.testing): 
APPLICATION_DOMAIN (discovery-server-discovery.apps-crc.testing): 
REGISTRY_USER (quipucords): abellott

About to deploy Discovery image "" to "api.crc.testing:6443"
as user "developer" to project "discovery" namespace (y/n)? y
Logging into the OpenShift cluster api.crc.testing:6443 ...
Login successful.

You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':

  * discovery

Using project "discovery".
Creating project discovery ... created
--> Deploying template "discovery/discovery" to project discovery

     The Discovery Server application

     * With parameters:
        * Discovery Project namespace=discovery
        * Application Hostname=discovery-server-discovery.apps-crc.testing
        * Path for the Ansible Remote Temp directory.=/var/data/tmp/ansible/remote
        * Path for the Ansible Local Temp directory.=/var/data/tmp/ansible/local
        * Path for the Django secret=/var/data/secret.txt
        * Django secret key=ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQK
        * Container image for the Discovery
        * Discovery Service Account Name=discovery-sa
        * Discovery Celery Worker Minimum Replica Count=3
        * Discovery Server SSL Port (API/UI)=8443
        * Discovery Redis Port=6379
        * Discovery PostgresQL Database Port=5432

--> Creating resources ...
    serviceaccount "discovery-sa" created
    secret "discovery-secrets" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "discovery-data-volume-claim" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "discovery-log-volume-claim" created
    service "discovery-server" created
    service "discovery-redis" created
    service "discovery-db" created "discovery-server" created
    deployment.apps "discovery-server" created
    deployment.apps "discovery-celery-worker" created
    deployment.apps "discovery-db" created
    deployment.apps "discovery-redis" created
--> Success
    Access your application via route 'discovery-server-discovery.apps-crc.testing' 
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Application Url: https://discovery-server-discovery.apps-crc.testing

You can see the deployment progress via crc console or simply get the pods oc get pods

$ oc get pods
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
discovery-celery-worker-75ff6b7996-8wml5   1/1     Running   1          6h10m
discovery-celery-worker-75ff6b7996-rpn57   1/1     Running   1          159m
discovery-celery-worker-75ff6b7996-xhnpp   1/1     Running   1          6h10m
discovery-db-7d875d8d44-df78h              1/1     Running   1          6h18m
discovery-quipucords-786448c76b-4r9kj      1/1     Running   1          177m
discovery-redis-67b55f59f6-z9qzz           1/1     Running   1          6h31m

Here are some of the screen shots for the deployment discovery product:

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 11 08 45 PM Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 11 09 11 PM Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 11 09 36 PM

Accessing the discovery console (open issue):

Deploying Discovery should be via the CRC route create for discovery-server:

$ discovery_server="`oc get routes/discovery-server -o json | jq -r ''`"
$ echo ${discovery-server}

Then just open the web ui console discovery-server-discovery.apps-crc.testing:

$ open "https://${discovery_server}/"

Note: discovery-server-discovery.apps-crc.testing is the <service_name>-<namespace>.apps-crc.testing signature.