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Quipudocs, Documentation for Quipucords

Read the Docs Development

Quipudocs paired with Read the Docs is sphinx based information documentation. To work with the Quipudocs Read the Docs code, begin by cloning the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd ./quipudocs
$ pipenv shell
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ make html

Asciidoc Development

Quipudocs paired with Asciidoc leverages GUI based development tools. The requirements for working with Asciidoc

Docker & Mac

Setting Docker up on a Mac? Install the appropriate package and you should be good to go. To check if everything installed correctly you can try these steps.

  • At a terminal prompt type

    $ docker run hello-world

Docker & Linux

Setting Docker up on a Linux machine can include an additional convenience step. If you're having to prefix "sudo" in front of your Docker commands you can try these steps.


To work with Yarn you can use NPM, or if you're on a Mac, use Homebrew to do the installation

  • NPM
    $ npm install -g yarn
  • Homebrew
    $ brew update
    $ brew install yarn

Asciidoc Quick Start


  1. Clone the repository

    $ git clone
  2. Within the repo context, install project dependencies

    $ cd quipudocs && yarn

Viewing Asciidoctor content as HTML

These are the contexts for running local Asciidoctor against Asciidoc files.

$ yarn start

Or to see GitHub pages output run

$ yarn start:gh

For a more in-depth local run breakdown review the contribution guidelines for workflow


Asciidoctor requires running through its build process in order to throw process errors, therefore running $ yarn start will start up the build and testing process accordingly. All other testing is a basic form of linting, typically on resource files and the Asciidoctor HTML output.

For in-depth testing guidance review the contribution guidelines for testing


Contributing encompasses repository specific requirements and the global Quipucords guidelines.


Authorship and current maintainer information can be found in AUTHORS.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2017-2019, Red Hat, Inc.

Quipudocs is released under the GNU Public License version 3.