This example is written as Selenium test with remote server. It works best with an account. So, get an account there and add the remote url in the RemoteDriverConfig.
That's all. You can now run the example with mvn verify
and see the test working in your saucelabs account. It will test a small chrome extension for firespotting; you can find the test package here.
All right, no problem. You must download/make a *.crx file and add it to the resources folder. You can build it with your chrome browser. After that, change the file path here and take the Firespotting Test and change the extension name. It must be the name from your extension manifest. After that you're good to run.
Sounds good, now I want to fork this project and build my own tests with it. What about the license?
Just three letters: MIT. Feel free to do with it, whatever you want.