Forked from
I probably could have had this container built from the quixey/docker/source-images directory, but I felt it was nicer to fork the repo, and move on. So, I have Kirk now build/pushing the container to Orca, independently, even though this container is for use by platforms, and not as part of the app... which is a technical violation of our standards. Normally, a 'base' container is re-built every week, as are all of the source-images, but in this case, I'm satisfied to have zk-exh-root be built independently.
- Exhibitor 1.5.5
- ZooKeeper 3.4.6
Building the container:
Starting the container:
Once the container is up, confirm Exhibitor is running:
$ curl -s localhost:8181/exhibitor/v1/cluster/status | python -m json.tool
"code": 3,
"description": "serving",
"hostname": "<host>",
"isLeader": true
See Exhibitor's wiki for more details on its REST API.
You can also check Exhibitor's web UI at http://<host>:8181/exhibitor/v1/ui/index.html
Then confirm ZK is available:
$ echo ruok | nc <host> 2181
Exhibitor can also use an IAM Role attached to an instance instead of passing access or secret keys. This is an example policy that would be needed for the instance:
"Statement": [
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow"