A Blueprint is a set of Instructions An Instruction is a Condition and an Outcome A Condition is a list of Event topics to listen to An Outcome specifes what happens when Condition is satisfied
A BlueprintExecution happens when a Blueprint is supplied with an initial Event and an execution_context
How to use:
Initial -
- Let BlueprintManager know about Blueprint you're interested to execute
- Let BlueprintExecutionManager know about BlueprintManager
Step 1 - Start a BlueprintExecution
- Tell BlueprintExecutionManager to execute your Blueprint by supplying the initial Event and execution_context
- This will queue up Instructions from your Blueprint to execute.
Step 2 - Execute the BlueprintExecution
- Tell BlueprintExecutor about BlueprintExecutionManager.
- Tell BlueprintExecutor to run. It will loop infinitely:
- BlueprintExecutor gets all PENDING Instructions
- It checks EventBus for Events satisfying the Instruction's Condition
- If Condition Event is found:
- It calls Outcome's Adapter with execution_context and Event.
- Outcome.Adapter's result is fed as input to Outcome.Action
- Instruction is marked SUCCESS
- If not found:
- It doesn't do anything and moves on to the next Instruction
- Instruction is marked PENDING