This repo has script and data for multi atlas segmentation of brain anatomy with ANTs package.
A blog post explaininng Multi Atlas Segmentation:
To run the script, you need to install ANTs. Follow these instructions to build ANTs from source:
git clone git://
mkdir ANTs/bin
cd ANTs/bin
cmake ..
make -j 4 # This might take a while
cp ../Scripts/* bin
# Mac users change bashrc to bash_profile
echo export ANTSPATH=`pwd`/bin/ >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Once ANTs is installed, run the following commands:
git clone
cd Multi-Atlas-Segmentation
This will create a file predictions/1004_predLabels.nii.gz
containing predicted labels of test image.
Training and test images are from MICCAI12 grand challenge on Multi-Atlas Labeling