This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the Google Places API, using HTTParty. At this moment the gem does not support OAuth authentication and will only work with an API key.
To be able to use this gem, you’ll need a Google Places API key. To request an API key, point your browser to and follow the instructions there.
To use this gem, install it with gem install google_places
or add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'google_places'
And install it with bundle install
Each of the API methods below returns a GooglePlaces::Spot
or a collection of those. Each of these objects has these attributes:
reference: a token to query the Google Places API for more details about the spot
vicinity: the street or neighborhood of the spot
lat: the latitude of the spot
lng: the longitude of the spot
name: the name of the spot
icon: a URL to the icon of this spot
types: array of feature types describing the spot, see list of supported types
formatted_phone_number: formatted phone number of the spot (eg (555)555-555)
formatted_address: the full address of the spot formatted with commas
address_components: the components (eg street address, city, state) of the spot’s address in an array
rating: the rating of this spot on Google Places
url: the url of this spot on Google Places
However address_components
, city
, country
, formatted_address
, region
and url
are nil
To get these values: You can use
. This returns the complete information for the spot by making an extra API call per returned spot. -
To get a collection of these detailed spots: You can use
@client.spots(lat, lng, detail: true)
. This makes an extra call per each spot and returns a collection of the detailed spots.
First register a new Client:
@client =
Then retrieve a list of spots:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362)
Search by a specific type:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => 'restaurant')
Search by multiple types:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => ['restaurant','food'])
Search by multiple types but exclude one type:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => ['restaurant','food'], :exclude => 'cafe')
Search by multiple types but exclude multiple types:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :types => ['restaurant','food'], :exclude => ['cafe', 'establishment'])
Search by name:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :name => 'italian')
Search by name and type:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :name => 'italian', :types => 'restaurant')
Search in a radius (in meters):
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :radius => 100)
Get results in specific language:
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :language => 'en')
Get detailed spots (this makes an extra call for each spot and returns a collection of the detailed spots):
@client.spots(-33.8670522, 151.1957362, :detail => true)
@client.spots_by_query('Pizza near Miami Florida')
Search by multiple types and exclude multiple types
@client.spots_by_query('Pizza near Miami Florida', :types => ['restaurant', 'food'], :exclude => ['cafe', 'establishment'])
Google limits the details that are returned in any API calls for a collection, so you’ll often find that details such as phone numbers are missing in a collection of spots, but are filled in when retrieving a single spot.
If you require these extra details to be completed when retrieving a number of results, you can pass in the detail: true
option to any method that returns a collection of spots.
This option should be used with care, as it adds an additional API call for EACH spot in the collection. E.g. a spots collection of 100 spots will use 101 API calls when the detail: true
option is set.
First register a new Client:
@client =
Then retrieve the spot:'CmRYAAA...upoTH3g')
First register a new Client:
@client =
Then retrieve the spot:
@spot ='CmRYAAA...upoTH3g')
Then request one of the photos url with a max width:
url =[0].fetch_url(800)
Note: Autocomplete is often used and better suited on client side (browser/javascript). The Autocomplete API is rate limited, so make sure you check the usage limits before deciding on whether to call the API server/client side.
Register a new Client:
@client =
Then request a prediction based on partial match:
@client.predictions_by_input( 'San F', lat: 0.0, lng: 0.0, radius: 20000000, types: 'geocode', language: I18n.locale, )
The response will be an array of predictions.
You’re very welcome to add functionality to this gem. To do so, follow these steps:
Fork the project on Github
Clone your own fork on your development machine
Install the dependencies with
bundle install
Insert your own Google Places API key in
Run the specs with
rspec spec
Hackety hack
Feel free to send me a pull request but please make sure your changes are sufficiently covered by RSpec.
Concerning the reference
field, the Google Places API documentation states:
"You can store this token and use it at any time in future to refresh cached data about this Place,
but the same token is not guaranteed to be returned for any given Place across different searches."
Please be aware that the reference
field in spot details may differ from the reference
used to retrieve that spot.