The web is moving to HTTPS, slowly. In a happy future, we will have secure connections only. Today, though, we still have to deal with HTTP. We are getting better. Thank you Let's Encrypt.
Now we only need to update all those http://
links on our pages to https://
Not all sites support HTTPS yet. But maybe they do tomorrow.
How do we know? - httpsyet
httpsyet -slack $SLACK_HOOK
This will crawl your sites recursively and for every http://
it will try if the URL is also available via HTTPS.
A list of all URLs you can update is sent to Slack.
Set this up with your favorite job scheduler (Cron, sleepto, ...) to run once a month.
Find out more about the implementation.
- With Go:
go get
- With Homebrew:
brew install qvl/tap/httpsyet
- Download binary:
Make sure to use gofmt
and create a Pull Request.
Use dep ensure -update && dep prune
to update dependencies.
Push a new Git tag and GoReleaser will automatically create a release.