A Dashboard Kiosk based on a Raspberry Pi.
It started out as dashboard.sh, switch-tab.sh and tabs.txt but it is a little bit more now it supports:
- running from 9 to 5 and going down at night
- installation using an installation script
- cycling through wifi connections every month
- self updates based on git tags
dashboard.sh opens chromium in kiosk mode with a tab for each url in ~/.config/pipeline-kiosk/tabs.txt. switch-tabs.sh cycles through the browser tabs and refreshes all tabs once in a while.
Browser plugins:
- are an extra dependency
- will go end of life afer some time
- do generally not support refreshing the tabs once in a while
We need the latter, to make sure the browsertab's session is kept open.
On your pi run
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qwaneu/pi-dashboard-kiosk/refs/heads/main/kiosk-scripts/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
Then follow instructions.
- raspberry-pi 4 model b or higher
- assumed to run wayland rather than xorg (although adapting the configuration to xorg shouldn't be hard)
Configuring the pi this is still a manual process. But will be developed to be scripted later.
Use the following documentation to create an image
See installing