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strange pangenome and large graph visualization


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Strange pangenome scale visualization

Interactive visualization of large genome graphs in GFAv1 format à la Bandage.

Sales pitch:

Visualizing large graphs in the million node scale and beyond remains a challenge and is relevant to multiple fields of study. In
pangenomics, as databases are continuously enriched by new and high quality assemblies, there is a growing need for tools and
methods tailored to handle extremely large volumes of data. As pangenome sizes multiply, available techniques quickly hit
operational limits in terms of processing time and memory. In particular, visualizing graphs in a general, intuitive and interactive
manner is useful for analysis and interpretation, yet computationally prohibitive at such a scale. The main objective of this
project is the development of strangepg, a new tool and visualization workflow aiming to address these limitations by employing
the combination of offline indexing and graph coarsening with the extensive use of a generic external memory layer. By
offloading the major computational effort to a preprocessing step, the interactive visualizer loads only a small fraction of the
total data and fetches more from disk only on request. The use of external memory ensures that every step can be performed on
commodity hardware for arbitrary sized graphs. strangepg is being implemented in C in a highly modular, portable and
extensible manner, designed to allow substituting different algorithms for most steps with minimal effort, and aims to provide a
general framework for experimentation with layouting and new visualization techniques.

Named in reference to the Dr. Strangelove character in Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (1964), strangepg provides an interactive visualization of bidirected and undirected graphs in a familiar force-directed layout but aims to scale to hundreds of millions of nodes and beyond. Such is the size of pangenome graphs today, the direct application for this tool. A big emphasis is placed on performance, reactivity and immediate feedback. While it currently supports only GFA files as input, it will in future be extended to support other formats (GraphML, DOT, Newick, etc) and types of trees (Newick for phylogenetic trees, etc.).

Note: this is a work in progress and under heavy development; significant or breaking changes happen all the time, but always prefer building from source on the latest commit to other methods of installation in order to get the latest fixes and additions. Git tags do not mark stable releases. Please consider this to be a public beta of sorts and feel free to send bug reports, feature requests or comments. Thanks!

Table of contents


  • Scaling to arbitrarily large graphs via coarsening (not yet merged!); expanding/retracting parts of the graph on-demand with the mouse or object lookups and commands.
  • Layouting, rendering, drawing to the screen and handling user interface, file loading, graph manipulation all in separate and independent threads to reduce any waiting time to a minimum; immediate output and interaction whenever possible.
  • Layouting is in real time and can be interrupted or influenced by moving nodes; it can be saved to or loaded from a file as a final result or an initial/reproducible state, hence guiding/improving previous layouts is possible; tags such as color can be changed at any time.
  • High performance graphics with modern and efficient renderer.
  • Fast GFA loading by splitting topology from sequence/tags in separate passes; no assumptions about ordering, type of labels (strings or integers) or tags.
  • Console with an embedded graph manipulation language based on GFA tags.
  • Any tags, including user-defined ones, can be loaded from the GFA file, CSV files and in the prompt; automatic coloring if one is included.
  • Custom layouting (albeit currently primitive) via special tags and a generic force-directed layout in 2D or 3D space.
  • Written from scratch in C with almost no dependencies: easy and fast to build; highly modular, extensible and cross-platform by design (note: code including bundled header-only libs is as portable as possible and supports multiple backends, but it still needs to be actually ported).

Without coarsening, the current layouting algorithm while a parallelized and slightly improved version of the classic Fruchterman-Reingold [1] force-directed algorithm, is still slow for 10k+ node graphs. It will however be adequate for a coarsened graph since it only ever works on whatever is currently loaded; other algorithms (SGD2, FM3, etc.) could later be implemented as well. Right now, because layouting is parallelized, in real-time and can be interacted with, not that much is left to make it more useful in practice.

Near finished:

  • Offline coarsening and usage
  • Documentation, manpage
  • Proper 3D navigation (also fixing view distorsion); 3d nodes (?)
  • Status, console output and history, proper edit box in window
  • Better generic layouts with hooks for user-specific scenarios: fix circular, add spherical, etc.
  • Additional capabilities in the graph language

Near future:

  • Path handling: highlighting, coloring
  • Better UI: actually usable edit/status window; macros as user-defined buttons
  • macOS support
  • GBZ support
  • Newick format and phylogenetic tree layouts
  • External memory implementation: either improve or replace with S3-fifo
  • Online coarsening without preprocessing


  • Prettier graphs: node/line thickness and curvature
  • Additional annotation overlays
  • Better graph manipulation language; single binary
  • More user-friendly layout specification/implementation
  • IGV-like subviews (?)
  • Multiple graph handling (?)
  • Further graphics performance improvements if warranted

Released under the terms of the MIT license.


Mandatory arguments: a graph in GFA format, always as the last command line parameter.

Load a gfa file named some.gfa:

strangepg some.gfa

Increase number of threads for layouting:

strangepg -t 8 some.gfa

Select a different layout algorithm:

strangepg -l fr some.gfa

Load a CSV file named some.csv:

strangepg -c some.csv some.gfa

Load layout from a file named some.lay (note: the layout file format is strangepg-specific):

strangepg -f some.lay some.gfa


Currently only Linux (and 9front) are supported. A macOS port will arrive as soon as someone kindly sacrifices their laptop for a while.

Installation can be done from source or via bioconda.

Hardware requirements

On Linux, a graphics card with OpenGL 4.1 support is required. The standard was introduced in 2010-2011. Intel integrated HD Graphics cards from 2013 (Ivy Bridge), and nVIDIA and AMD/ATI cards from 2010 on should work.


Install conda, add the bioconda channel, then:

conda install strangepg


git clone
cd strangepg
make -j install

-j is an optional flag to enable parallel building using all available cores. This installs the binaries strangepg and strawk, by default in $HOME/.local/bin. If this directory is not in your $PATH or a different installation directory is desired, see Additional compilation settings below.

NOTE: manual compilation with clang is recommended as it currently may produce noticeably faster binaries. Use the CC make variable to force compilation with it. To my knowledge, bioconda binaries are built with GCC and thus may have slightly lower performance. I do not yet know why.


strangepg requires an OpenGL implementation and X11 libraries. Those are usually already present on typical Linux systems. Wayland is not supported natively.

Command line for ubuntu (adapt to your system):

apt install libbsd0 libgl-dev libglvnd-dev libglx-dev libmd0 libx11-dev libxau-dev libxcb1-dev libxcursor-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxrandr-dev 

Tested with gcc 11.4.0 and 13.2.0, and clang 14.0.0 and 17.0.6 on Arch Linux, Void Linux and Ubuntu 22.04/24.04.


strangepg requires at least one input file as argument. It currently supports graphs in GFA format.

strangepg file.gfa

Some test examples exist in the test/ directory. For example:

strangepg test/03.232.gfa

Command-line options

$ strangepg -h
usage: strangepg [-Zbhvw] [-f FILE] [-l ALG] [-t N] [-c FILE] FILE
-b             White-on-black color theme
-c FILE        Load tags from csv FILE
-f FILE        Load layout from FILE
-l ALG         Set layouting algorithm (default: pfr)
-t N           Set number of layouting threads (1-128, default: 4)
-w             Force layouting to wait until all inputs are loaded
-Z             Minimize node depth (z-axis) offsets in 2d layouts

The most important options are:

  • -l ALG: select the layouting algorithm to use. The default should be good enough for graphs with more at least 3 times the number of threads. Use fewer threads or the fr algorithm otherwise.
  • -t N sets the number of threads spawned for layouting. It's recommended to set it to or near the number of all available cores. Single-threaded layout algorithms will only use one of them.

Optional input files:

  • -c FILE loads a CSV file. It can be specified multiple times to load tags from more than one CSV file.
  • -f FILE loads a layout previous saved to the file.

Additional settings:

  • -b sets the obligatory dark theme.
  • -w forces layouting to wait until both the GFA file and any CSV files are fully loaded. Normally layouting begins as soon as the quick first pass over the GFA is done. Use this when tags affecting the layout are present in the GFA and/or CSV files, instead of having to manually restart layouting. Otherwise it's not necessary since colors and other tags can be loaded while layouting.

Drawing options:

  • -Z: by default, nodes are placed with some slight offset in the z axis, ie. a distance away from the viewer, both to avoid nodes overlapping and to improve graphics performance by allowing the GPU to perform z-buffering, but it might look aesthetically unpleasing depending on the camera angle. This option squishes nodes as close to each other as possible so as to appear as if there is no depth.


Layouting is performed and visualized in real time and in parallel. Currently all available layout algorithms are based on a spring model force-directed approach, and are variations of the classic Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm [1]. Parameters and heuristics are hand-tuned and may require further adjustment for better results, or may warrant better approaches. Because the initial state is random, results are different every time, and due to trade-offs for speed some may be better than others. The real-time aspect of the application allows the user to easily restart layouting if the result so far is unsatisfactory, or to guide it by loading more information or moving nodes manually.

Here the approach to custom or application-specific layouting is to combine a basic layout algorithm with specifying a partial or full initial state and/or adding constraints. For example, a linear layout may be achieved by fixing the x coordinate of some or all nodes to one or more constant values. 3D layouting works in the same way -- all layouts are actually in 3D space, but 2D algorithms ignore the 3rd axis. Reproducible layouting is possible by saving layouts to file and later loading them again.

The basic layouting algorithm serves as a backbone for more specific visualizations, changing the type of geometry: circular, spherical, non-euclidean, etc. These basic additional layouts are currently under development.

Basic layouting

Available algorithms:

  • -l pfr: the default, a slightly optimized and parallelized version of the original algorithm. The time complexity is essentially the same, so while it may run faster, it will not scale on its own for 10k node graphs and beyond. Because it splits the graph across threads, it will produce nonsense results if the number of nodes is less than 2-3 times the number of threads.
  • -l pfr3d: same as pfr but additionally using the z axis to layout in 3D.
  • -l fr: the classic algorithm, single-threaded. Use this for very small graphs (<1000 nodes) where pfr is not appropriate.

Use the -t command line parameter to change the number of threads used for layouting, 4 by default. Single threaded algorithms will always only use one of them.


The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

  • r: restart layouting from scratch
  • p: stop layouting, or restart from current state

Nodes may be dragged around with the mouse. Moving nodes does not fix their position to a constant position, and if layouting is currently underway it will influence the layout as a whole. Nodes can be fixed via tags.

Restarting it is cheap; try it if the layout doesn't look good. Intermediate or final results can be saved to file, then used as an initial state for another round of layouting.

Loading from and saving to file

A pre-existing layout file may be loaded with the -f command line parameter, irrespective of the selected layout algorithm. The file format is binary and specific to strangepg. Currently it's assumed that the layout file contains the exact same number of segments (S records) and in the same order of appearance (in either S or L records) as the originating GFA.

The current layout may be exported or imported at runtime with the exportlayout("file") and importlayout("file") functions (see Graph manipulation).


Moving the graph around is done primarily with the mouse.

  • Select object: click left mouse button (click on nothing to unselect).
  • Move selected object (nodes only): click and drag the mouse.
  • Move (pan) view: drag with right mouse button or press a cursor key to jump by screenful.
  • 3D Rotate (around X/Y axes): click and hold middle button
  • Zoom view: three options:
    • Mouse scroll.
    • Hold control + right mouse.
    • Hold left + right mouse button and drag: pull (drag towards bottom right) to zoom in, push (draw towards top left) to zoom out.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • a: Toggle showing oriented nodes as arrows
  • p: Pause/unpause layout (unpause = restart layout from current state)
  • r: Restart layouting from scratch
  • q: Quit
  • Esc: Reset view to initial position
  • Arrow keys: move view by screenful up/down/left/right

A status window currently labeled Prompt presents a text box to write commands in, and shows selected and hovered over objects. Currently, it only shows the name and length (nodes) or endpoints, orientation and CIGAR string (edges), but will be extended to show all of a node's tags.

The window can be moved around with the mouse, collapsed by clicking the top right button, or resized by dragging the lower right corner. It now shows the last 3 status messages and command outputs, and has a collapsible message log widget for more. Feedback from commands will appear here.

Graph manipulation

strangepg embeds a simple graph manipulation language, which presents tags as tables (associative arrays) and provides means to manipulate the graph and its properties via those tags. Using it involves typing commands in the text prompt of the status window.

Whenever a node's tag is loaded from a GFA or CSV file or on the prompt, the table with the same name is updated with the new value. For example, in GFA files the LN tag indicates the length of a node's sequence. Upon loading the GFA file, each S line with a non-empty sequence and/or an LN tag will add an element to the LN table. LN[name] then stores the value for a node labeled name in the GFA. This can be used for instance to change the color of all nodes matching some condition such as LN[name] < 1000 (more examples below).

The editing box is currently ugly and inconvenient due to limitations of the UI framework used, but this will be fixed soon. It has clipboard support (Ctrl-C for copy, Ctrl-V for paste, mouse selection).

The language is a fork of awk, hacked up to evaluate commands interactively. Any awk code valid within a pattern (inside braces) is also valid here, but functions cannot be defined yet. Currently, it's somewhat limited and a bit hacky, but it works. It will be improved later on.


Color nodes with labels matching a regular expression:

CL[i ~ /chr13/] = green

Color nodes with sequence length > 50:

CL[LN[i] > 50] = darkgreen

Color nodes which have a certain tag defined:

CL[i in CN] = purple

Color a specific node:

nodecolor("s1", red)
# also works but will loop through all nodes:
CL[i == "s1"] = red

Color 42th node in order of appearance in GFA (in S or L records):

nodecolor(label[42], blue)
# also works but will loop through all nodes:
CL[node[i] == 42] = blue

Color every other node:

CL[node[i] % 2 == 1] = orange

Look up a node by name, zooming in and centering on it if it exists:


Save current layout to file:


Load existing layout from file:


Read in a CSV file:


See for a more detailed overview.

Loading tags from CSV files

CSV files can be loaded at start up with the -c flag or at runtime uuto feed or modify tags for existing nodes. The '-c' flag may be used multiple times to load more than one CSV file at startup.

The first column is always reserved for node labels, and all subsequent columns are tags values. The first line must be a header specifying a tag name for each column.

For example:


The name of the first column does not matter. The CL tag is used as a node's color and can thus also be set in this way. Color can also be used. Node labels must refer to existing nodes from the input GFA file.

A CSV file may be loaded at runtime with the readcsv("file.csv") command (see Graph manipulation).

Loading multiple CSV files one after the other is allowed. In other words, variables such as color are not reset between files. CSV files thus needn't be merged together.

Format notes

The accepted format here is more stringent than usual. The implementation is not localized, ie. commas are always field separators. There are no escape sequences or special quoting rules, ie. quotes are not special characters. Line breaks within a field are disallowed. Lines must be terminated with a new line (LF) character, ie. the return character (CR) is not handled.

Each line must have the same number of fields as the header, but fields may be empty.

__Soon, deathmatching in graph space__

Example applications

One of the goals of strangepg is to enable experimentation with layouting. Currently, the default layouting algorithm honors a set of tags which set initial coordinates and/or fixes them (makes them unmovable).

  • x0:f:xpos set initial x coordinate in layout
  • y0:f:ypos set initial y coordinate in layout
  • fx:f:xpos force immutable x coordinate
  • fy:f:ypos force immutable y coordinate

They can be loaded from the GFA itself, from CSV or live by using the prompt.

See for a more detailed overview.

Conga-line: linear layout in GFA segments order

fx[1] = 8 * node[i]
fy[1] = 0

Random coordinates

fx[1] = 8 * 1024 * node[i]
fy[1] = 8 * 1280 * rand()

Linear layout using bubble id tags from gaftools

min = 999999
max = -999999
for(i in BO) if(BO[i] < min) min = BO[i]; if(BO[i] > max) max = BO[i]
fx[CL[i] == orange] = 8 * (BO[i] - min - (max - min) / 2)
fy[CL[i] == orange] = 0
x0[CL[i] != orange] = 8 * (BO[i] - min - (max - min) / 2)
y0[CL[i] != orange] = 2 - 4 * rand() 

Additional compilation settings

Installation prefix

By default, the installation path is $HOME/.local/bin. To install to a different directory, use the PREFIX make variable:

# example: install in /usr/local/bin via sudo:
make -j
sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local install


To build using a different compiler, eg. clang, use the CC make variable:

make CC=clang -j

Tested with clang and gcc only.

Known bugs

Major bugs:

  • currently broken on Windows during of GL initialization
  • strawk leaks some memory; awk wasn't meant to be used this way and plugging the leaks is not trivial
  • strawk expressions have some unexpected results in some cases due to the hacky implementation, or large changes in awk necessary to fix them (see the strawk document for this.

Used and bundled alien software

Data structures:

Linux graphics:

Used but not bundled:

  • GL extension loading via flextGL
  • GNU Bison or Plan9 yacc(1) for awk

strawk is based on onetrueawk.


Build with mk instead of make in the usual manner. Additionally requires npe; it's really only required to build khash. A better solution might exist since SDL2 isn't used at all.


[1] Fruchterman, Thomas M. J.; Reingold, Edward M. (1991), "Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement", Software: Practice and Experience, 21 (11), Wiley: 1129–1164, doi:10.1002/spe.4380211102, S2CID 31468174