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This project is intended as a Content Management System (CMS) for Jekyll static sites. It is meant to enable users to edit a Jekyll site hosted with Github Sites from a web browser, and provides a permission management interface for multi-user support.

It is composed of a frontend written in Svelte, and a backend written in Rust.

For more documentation, please check the docs/ folder at the root of the repo.


Run to build the front and and backend. The output will be assembled into ./target, run hyde to start the binary.


The executable requires a few environment variables be set, see default.env for a full list. You may set them on the system or copy default.env to .env and place it in a folder named hyde-data/ and customize as needed. This directory is used to store configs, the sqlite database, and the Github App private key.


We accept contributions, and we'll happily mentor individuals through their contributions. Feel free to ask for help, either through Github, or in the r/TechSupport discord server.

Development is supported on Windows (With some caveats), MacOS, and Linux.

Installing tools

To build the backend, you need to have the Rust toolchain installed (see We currently aim to support the latest stable version of Rust. Once that's installed, cargo will automatically download and install the appropriate dependencies for the project when it's first built. The source code for the backend is located in ./backend, so navigate there

To build the frontend, you'll need to have the appropriate Javascript tooling installed (See This means Node and npm. We aim to use the latest stable version of Node.js (20 at the time of writing).

Populating hyde-data

To keep things organized, the config file and other essential data (sqlite database, Github private key) are stored in a folder in the same directory that the code is run from. This directory is relative to the running process's current directory, so for development, the hyde-data folder will be located at ./backend/hyde-data,

Hyde expects:

  • A config file to be located at hyde-data/.env, relative to the running process's current directory. This means you'll need to copy ./default.env from the root of the project into ./backend/hyde-data/.env, and fill out any necessary values. Guides for obtaining these values can be found under ./docs. Configuration values can also be passed with command line arguments, run the executable with the --help flag to see more.

  • hyde-data/key.pem, the private key linked to your Github Application deployment.

  • hyde-data/data.db - If not created, this file will be automatically created and stores permissions and user account info.

Running the project in development mode

You can run the backend with cargo run from the backend folder. This will compile and launch a debug executable, listening on port 8080.

Once the backend is running, in a separate terminal window, run npm run dev from the frontend folder to start the frontend, listening on localhost:5173, viewable from your web browser.

It's recommended that you configure your rust-analyzer installation to run clippy instead of check. See for a guide, set Check On Save: Command to clippy. At the very least, run cargo clippy before committing to make sure your code passes lint.

Building the project in release mode (production)

While build scripts exist for Windows (./build.ps1) and *nix (./, you may find it helpful to understand what a production build of Hyde looks like.

Build scripts should assemble the final product into ./target. It consists of:

  • hyde(.exe): The actual executable, built by running cargo run --release. The generated executable is copied from ./backend/target/release/[HYDE-EXECUTABLE-NAME] to ./target/hyde(.exe). This executable will serve the frontend files stored in web, so there's only a single process running. It listens on port 8080 by default, but this is configurable via the -p/--port command line option.
  • web: Svelte is configured to compile the frontend into a collection of static files, which can be generated by running npm run build from ./frontend. Those are copied from ./target/frontend/build/ into ./target/web/. In that directory, you'll find the relevant HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any assets used on the site. Svelte is also configured to include Brotli and Gzipped versions of those files to reduce bundle size.

There are two ways to copy hyde-data folder from ./backend/ to ./target. First is to manually move the folder, second is to use the build scripts to do it for you:

  • Linux: -c <path_to_hyde_data>

  • Windows build.ps1 -C <path_to_hyde_data>

Certain behaviors do differ between development and production builds, so be aware of them. Notably, in release mode, the application requires https to function.

Hyde's logging can be configured by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable or using the -v/--verbosity command line flag. Possible values are: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and OFF.

Upon startup, Hyde will attempt to open a wiki repository found at ./repo (relevant to the path of the running executable), and pull any upstream changes, or clone the repo into ./repo if no repo was detected there. The final product can be found by navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser.

Building a containerized version of the project

This does not require that you have language tooling installed (Rust, JavaScript), only requiring an OCI implementation of your choice.


docker build -t hyde .


podman build -t hyde .


To run the backend tests, navigate to ./backend, and run cargo test.

To run the frontend tests, navigate to ./frontend and run npm test, or npm test:watch for hot reload.