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Document and clarify line ending behaviour #183
The existing strategy is to keep the newlines that are present. I made only one small change for consistency: `parse_all("")$src` now returns `""` rather than `character()`.
Still some problems on knitr-example with this PR. Could you resolve the conflict on this PR to merge main into this, so that I can test latest updated version Not sure what it is, but somehow some empty lines are missing. So something with multiple like patch of diff after renderingdiff --git a/007-text-output.md b/007-text-output.md
index 38f9128..92e7335 100644
--- a/007-text-output.md
+++ b/007-text-output.md
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ for (i in 1:10) {
``` r
# two blank lines below
@@ -77,8 +75,6 @@ dnorm(0)
``` r
> # two blank lines below
> dnorm(0)
@@ -174,8 +170,6 @@ for (i in 1:10) {
``` r
# two blank lines below
@@ -200,8 +194,6 @@ dnorm(0)
``` r
# two blank lines below
@@ -328,8 +320,6 @@ R> for (i in 1:10) {
``` r
R> # two blank lines below
R> dnorm(0)
diff --git a/051-flowchart.tex b/051-flowchart.tex
index 999a4cc..09cbbe5 100644
--- a/051-flowchart.tex
+++ b/051-flowchart.tex
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
\hlcom{## Flowchart examples}
\hlkwd{par}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{ask} \hldef{=} \hlnum{TRUE}\hldef{)}
\hldef{mar} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{par}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{mar} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{))}
\hlkwd{openplotmat}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{main} \hldef{=} \hlsng{"from Soetaert and herman, book in prep"}\hldef{,}
@@ -78,29 +77,22 @@
\hlkwc{arr.side} \hldef{=} \hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{endhead} \hldef{=} \hlnum{TRUE}\hldef{)}
\hlkwd{segmentarrow}\hldef{(elpos[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{, ], elpos[}\hlnum{4}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{arr.pos} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.15}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{dd} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.3}\hldef{,}
\hlkwc{arr.side} \hldef{=} \hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{endhead} \hldef{=} \hlnum{TRUE}\hldef{)}
\hldef{pin} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{par}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"pin"}\hldef{)} \hlcom{# size of plotting region, inches}
\hldef{xx} \hlkwb{<-} \hlnum{0.2}
\hldef{yy} \hlkwb{<-} \hldef{xx} \hlopt{*} \hldef{pin[}\hlnum{1}\hldef{]}\hlopt{/}\hldef{pin[}\hlnum{2}\hldef{]} \hlopt{*} \hlnum{0.15} \hlcom{# used to make circles round}
\hldef{sx} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{rep}\hldef{(xx,} \hlnum{8}\hldef{)}
\hldef{sx[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{]} \hlkwb{<-} \hlnum{0.05}
\hldef{sy} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{rep}\hldef{(yy,} \hlnum{8}\hldef{)}
\hldef{sy[}\hlnum{6}\hldef{]} \hlkwb{<-} \hldef{yy} \hlopt{*} \hlnum{1.5}
\hldef{sy[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{]} \hlkwb{<-} \hldef{sx[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{]} \hlopt{*} \hldef{pin[}\hlnum{1}\hldef{]}\hlopt{/}\hldef{pin[}\hlnum{2}\hldef{]}
\hlkwa{for} \hldef{(i} \hlkwa{in} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{7}\hldef{))} \hlkwd{straightarrow}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{to} \hldef{= elpos[i} \hlopt{+} \hlnum{1}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{from} \hldef{= elpos[i,}
\hldef{],} \hlkwc{lwd} \hldef{=} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{arr.pos} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.6}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{endhead} \hldef{=} \hlnum{TRUE}\hldef{)}
\hldef{lab} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"Problem"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"Conceptual model"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"Mathematical model"}\hldef{,}
\hlsng{"Parameterisation"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"Mathematical solution"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{""}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"OK?"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"Prediction, Analysis"}\hldef{)}
\hlkwa{for} \hldef{(i} \hlkwa{in} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{,} \hlnum{8}\hldef{))} \hlkwd{textround}\hldef{(elpos[i, ], sx[i], sy[i],} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{= lab[i])}
\hlkwd{textround}\hldef{(elpos[}\hlnum{6}\hldef{, ], xx, yy} \hlopt{*} \hlnum{1.5}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"Calibration,sensitivity"}\hldef{,}
\hlkwd{textdiamond}\hldef{(elpos[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{, ], sx[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{], sy[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{],} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{= lab[}\hlnum{7}\hldef{])}
\hlkwd{textplain}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{0.7}\hldef{, elpos[}\hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{]), yy} \hlopt{*} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"main components"}\hldef{,}
\hlsng{"relationships"}\hldef{),} \hlkwc{font} \hldef{=} \hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{adj} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{0}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.5}\hldef{))}
\hlkwd{textplain}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{0.7}\hldef{, elpos[}\hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{]), yy,} \hlsng{"general theory"}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{adj} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{0}\hldef{,}
@@ -114,7 +106,6 @@
\hlcom{##### DIAGRAM}
\hlkwd{par}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{mar} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{))}
\hldef{elpos} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{coordinates}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{4}\hldef{))}
@@ -141,7 +132,6 @@
\hlkwd{textellipse}\hldef{(elpos[}\hlnum{8}\hldef{, ],} \hlnum{0.1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.1}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"new"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"article"}\hldef{),}
\hlkwc{box.col} \hldef{=} \hlsng{"orange"}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{shadow.col} \hldef{=} \hlsng{"red"}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{shadow.size} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.005}\hldef{,}
\hlkwc{cex} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1.5}\hldef{)}
\hldef{dd} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{0}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.025}\hldef{)}
\hlkwd{text}\hldef{(arrpos[}\hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{]} \hlopt{+} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{, arrpos[}\hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{],} \hlsng{"yes"}\hldef{)}
\hlkwd{text}\hldef{(arrpos[}\hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{]} \hlopt{-} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{, arrpos[}\hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{],} \hlsng{"no"}\hldef{)}
@@ -159,19 +149,16 @@
\hlkwd{treearrow}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{from} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{2}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{to} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{3}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{arr.side} \hldef{=} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,}
\hlkwc{path} \hldef{=} \hlsng{"H"}\hldef{)}
\hlkwa{for} \hldef{(i} \hlkwa{in} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{)} \hlkwd{textrect}\hldef{(elpos[i, ],} \hlnum{0.15}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{= i,} \hlkwc{cex} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1.5}\hldef{)}
\hldef{elpos} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{coordinates}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{3}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{),} \hlkwc{hor} \hldef{=} \hlnum{FALSE}\hldef{)}
\hlkwd{treearrow}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{from} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{3}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{to} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{4}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{arr.side} \hldef{=} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,}
\hlkwc{arr.pos} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.2}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{path} \hldef{=} \hlsng{"V"}\hldef{)}
\hlkwa{for} \hldef{(i} \hlkwa{in} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{)} \hlkwd{textrect}\hldef{(elpos[i, ],} \hlnum{0.15}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{= i,} \hlkwc{cex} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1.5}\hldef{)}
\hldef{elpos} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{coordinates}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{4}\hldef{))}
\hlkwd{treearrow}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{from} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{1}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{to} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{2}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{arr.side} \hldef{=} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,}
\hlkwc{arr.pos} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.7}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{path} \hldef{=} \hlsng{"H"}\hldef{)}
\hlkwa{for} \hldef{(i} \hlkwa{in} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{5}\hldef{)} \hlkwd{textrect}\hldef{(elpos[i, ],} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{= i,} \hlkwc{cex} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1.5}\hldef{)}
\hldef{elpos} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{coordinates}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{3}\hldef{))}
\hldef{elpos[}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{]} \hlkwb{<-} \hlnum{0.3}
@@ -188,7 +175,6 @@
\hlkwd{par}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{mfrow} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{))}
\hlkwd{par}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{mar} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{0}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0}\hldef{))}
\hldef{elpos} \hlkwb{<-} \hlkwd{coordinates}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{1}\hldef{))}
@@ -229,9 +215,7 @@
\hlkwc{lcol} \hldef{=} \hlnum{6}\hldef{)}
\hlkwd{splitarrow}\hldef{(}\hlkwc{from} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{1}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{to} \hldef{= elpos[}\hlnum{2}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{3}\hldef{, ],} \hlkwc{lty} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lwd} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1}\hldef{,}
\hlkwc{dd} \hldef{=} \hlnum{0.7}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{arr.side} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lcol} \hldef{=} \hlnum{7}\hldef{)}
\hlkwa{for} \hldef{(i} \hlkwa{in} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{4}\hldef{)} \hlkwd{textrect}\hldef{(elpos[i, ],} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{,} \hlnum{0.05}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lab} \hldef{= i,} \hlkwc{cex} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1.5}\hldef{)}
\hlkwd{legend}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"topright"}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{lty} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{7}\hldef{,} \hlkwc{legend} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlsng{"segmentarrow"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"curvedarrow"}\hldef{,}
\hlsng{"straightarrow"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"treearrow"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"bentarrow"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"selfarrow"}\hldef{,} \hlsng{"splitarrow"}\hldef{),}
\hlkwc{lwd} \hldef{=} \hlkwd{c}\hldef{(}\hlkwd{rep}\hldef{(}\hlnum{2}\hldef{,} \hlnum{6}\hldef{),} \hlnum{1}\hldef{),} \hlkwc{col} \hldef{=} \hlnum{1}\hlopt{:}\hlnum{7}\hldef{)}
diff --git a/093-knitr-asy.md b/093-knitr-asy.md
index 18136f7..a84d135 100644
--- a/093-knitr-asy.md
+++ b/093-knitr-asy.md
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ In this example, I generate data in R and then use it for plotting in asymptote
``` r
x = seq(0, 5, l = 100)
y = sin(x)
# save data to csv file
write.table(data.frame(x, y), file = "asy.csv", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
sep = ",")
Merge conflict fixed, but I can't reproduce the problem in pure evaluate. This returns the same result in both this branch and the main branch: parse_all(function() {
# Two blank lines below
}) |
Yes I noticed this. It happens in specific context. I don't know which one yet, and still need to reproduce. I need to debug this in knitr-example. |
In case it helps, I can't reproduce it with a simple .Rmd either:
Possibly informative: these lines don't appear in the diff. So it's not every chunk that's losing the empty lines. |
I figured out that I could reproduce it with
When I knit that I get:
But I still can't turn that into an evaluate test case, as this code reveals no differences: code <- "{}\n\n\n# comment"
cur <- evaluate(code)
new <- evaluate(code)
waldo::compare(cur, new) Maybe it's something to do with how knitr chops up chunks? |
Hmmmm, I seem the same behaviour CRAN evaluate so that might not be the root cause 😭 |
Here's a more obvious reprex:
The top-level |
Ok, this seems to be the bug we're seeing here:
And that gives me a legit evaluate example: code <- c("for (i in 1) {\n}", "# two blank lines below", "", "", "1")
parse_all(code)$src Even simpler reprex: code <- c("\n", "", "", "1")
#> [1] "\n" "1" |
And should be fixed now 😄 |
This is no more erroring now on knitr-example side. So all good to merge.
@cderv the trick bit is where the formatting is happening and how knitr is sending the code to evaluate — I don't think it's possible to recreate with actual code passed to evaluate. |
formatR applies before evaluation. So this would be similar to this without knitr I believe evaluate::evaluate(formatR::tidy_source(text = "{}\n\n# a comment")$text.tidy) CRAN evaluate and Dev evaluate now gives the same results for this. |
The existing strategy is to keep the newlines that are present. I made only one small change for consistency:
now returns""
rather thancharacter()
. I don't think this should affect knitr (since I think a chunk would need at least a newline in it).In a future PR, I'll try removing the special handling of the final newline. I think it's safe to eliminate this because we're already pretending that the user pushed enter at the end of the line. But it might affect knitr, so wanted to keep it separate.