This is an official repository for RPublishing Cooperative. It contains the following apps and packages:
- /apps/rpub-exe (For standalone desktop applications, written in Node)
- /apps/rpub-web (Homepage built with Astro framework)
- /apps/rpub-api (APIs and dashboard using Keystone6)
- /apps/rpub-bot (Discord bot to monitor mainnet)
- /apps/rpub-app (app built with vue+svelte+ionic+capacitor)
- /apps/rpub-cli (A command line utility to interact with an RChain based blockchain)
- /deps/pika-plugin-pkg-node (Used by rpub-exe to bundle nodejs applications to standalone executables)
- /packages/keystone-core (for of Keystone6)
- /packages/rchain-did-resolver (for resolving public did documents on RChain that start with did:rchain:...)
- /packages/rchain-token
- /packages/rchain-toolkit
- /packages/ui (the shared UI components)
- First you need to install NodeJS, we recommend that you use NVM (Node Version Manager). You can find instruction for Linux as well as Windows. Now follow the instructions to install nvm for Linux here: (or for windows it's )
Note: If you're developing on Windows, we recommend using WSL2 instead with Ubuntu 20.04.
- Next you'll need to install Node v16 through nvm, we recommend v16.13.x .
nvm install v16.13.1
nvm use v16.13.1
- Once you have confirmed that you have node installed (run "node -v" in your terminal and make sure it's v16), you can continue.
- Now you want to install Yarn
npm install --global yarn
- Make sure to download patched nodejs binaries for the version you're targetting (in our case v16) and copy them to ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6 like so:
mkdir ~/.pkg-cache
mkdir ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6
wget -O fetched-v16.13.0-linux-x64
sudo mv fetched-v16.13.0-linux-x64 ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6
wget -O fetched-v16.13.0-macos-x64
sudo mv fetched-v16.13.0-macos-x64 ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6
wget -O fetched-v16.13.0-win-x64
sudo mv fetched-v16.13.0-win-x64 ~/.pkg-cache/v2.6
- Also you'll need libfuse-dev package installed, you can do so by running:
sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev
Note: Make sure to only target even versions of nodejs, as the patching process is not compatible with odd versions.
- Now that you have all the prerequisites, go ahead and clone this repo and run "yarn" to install dependencies:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd rpub-mono
Alternatively you can clone using SSH if you have already setup public key authentication on Github:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j4
cd rpub-mono
yarn build
Once you run "yarn build", which can take quite a bit of time at first, you'll see the following new artifacts:
- /apps/rchan-fuse/pkg/bin containing executables for Linux, MacOS and (#soon) Windows.
- /apps/rpub-app/public containing the app bundle that can be run in the browser. To build mobile apps, go to #Capacitor
- /apps/rpub-web/dist containing the bundled homepage.
Note: You might see a few errors and warnings, at least at this early stage of development, but shouldn't impact the releases from being built.
To build all apps for Android and (#soon) iOS, we recommend using AppFlow, but you can easily build for Android if you have Android SDK installed. If you have Android SDK installed, you can run the following command:
npx cap sync android
Then open the Android Studio project located in "android" folder and build the project as you normally would.
yarn dev
For development all you have to do is to run "yarn dev" and it should start all the rpojects
- localhost:3000/rpub-web is for the homepage.
- localhost:3030 is for the APIs as well as dashboard.
- localhost:5000 is for the app.
- Move artifacts to the root of the monorepo.
- Properly configure ESLint, Prettier and Jest for all projects
- Create unit tests for the rest of the projects