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Complete input argument type parsing #13

paleolimbot opened this issue Oct 8, 2020 · 7 comments · Fixed by #161

Complete input argument type parsing #13

paleolimbot opened this issue Oct 8, 2020 · 7 comments · Fixed by #161


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Basically, need to figure out which R objects can be interpreted as QGIS input types. I've done a bit of this (e.g., for sf, raster, numeric, character, and logical). It's always possible to pass a length-one character to represent these in a pinch, but it would be nice to enable more R-like objects where possible (e.g., sf::bbox, raster::extent, sf::st_crs()). A calculated table of argument types and the first 20 algorithms for each:

qgis_type algorithms
aggregates native:aggregate
band native:equaltofrequency, native:fillnodata, native:fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership, native:fuzzifyrasterlargemembership, native:fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership, native:fuzzifyrasternearmembership, native:fuzzifyrasterpowermembership, native:fuzzifyrastersmallmembership, native:greaterthanfrequency, native:lessthanfrequency, native:pixelstopoints, native:pixelstopolygons, native:rasterlayerstatistics, native:rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport, native:rasterlayerzonalstats, native:rasterlayerzonalstats, native:rastersurfacevolume, native:reclassifybylayer, native:reclassifybytable, native:rescaleraster
boolean native:addautoincrementalfield, native:addautoincrementalfield, native:angletonearest, native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:buffer, native:cellstatistics, native:centroids, native:dropmzvalues, native:dropmzvalues, native:equaltofrequency, native:extractbyextent, native:geometrybyexpression, native:geometrybyexpression, native:greaterthanfrequency, native:highestpositioninrasterstack
color qgis:tilesxyzdirectory, qgis:tilesxyzmbtiles
coordinateoperation native:reprojectlayer
crs native:addxyfields, native:assignprojection, native:bookmarkstolayer, native:createconstantrasterlayer, native:creategrid, native:createpointslayerfromtable, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer, native:createrandomgammarasterlayer, native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer, native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer, native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer, native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer, native:mergevectorlayers, native:printlayoutmapextenttolayer, native:randompointsinextent, native:reprojectlayer, native:tinmeshcreation, gdal:assignprojection
distance native:angletonearest, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:buffer, native:creategrid, native:creategrid, native:creategrid, native:creategrid, native:dbscanclustering, native:densifygeometriesgivenaninterval, native:extendlines, native:extendlines, native:interpolatepoint, native:joinbynearest, native:linedensity, native:linedensity, native:linesubstring, native:linesubstring, native:multiringconstantbuffer, native:offsetline, native:pointsalonglines
enum native:addfieldtoattributestable, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:bookmarkstolayer, native:buffer, native:buffer, native:cellstatistics, native:combinestyles, native:createconstantrasterlayer, native:creategrid, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer, native:createrandomgammarasterlayer, native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer, native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer, native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer, native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer, native:detectvectorchanges
execute_sql qgis:executesql
expression native:addautoincrementalfield, native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:extractbinary, native:extractbyexpression, native:fieldcalculator, native:geometrybyexpression, native:layertobookmarks, native:layertobookmarks, native:orderbyexpression
extent native:createconstantrasterlayer, native:creategrid, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer, native:createrandomgammarasterlayer, native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer, native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer, native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer, native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer, native:extenttolayer, native:extractbyextent, native:randompointsinextent, native:rasterize, native:writevectortiles_mbtiles, native:writevectortiles_xyz, gdal:cliprasterbyextent, gdal:clipvectorbyextent, gdal:rasterize, gdal:warpreproject
field native:addautoincrementalfield, native:adduniquevalueindexfield, native:collect, native:countpointsinpolygon, native:countpointsinpolygon, native:createattributeindex, native:createpointslayerfromtable, native:createpointslayerfromtable, native:createpointslayerfromtable, native:createpointslayerfromtable, native:explodehstorefield, native:extractbinary, native:extractbyattribute, native:fieldcalculator, native:hublines, native:hublines, native:joinattributestable, native:joinattributestable, native:linedensity, native:meancoordinates
fields_mapping native:refactorfields
file native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:importphotos, native:repairshapefile, native:setlayerstyle, native:shpencodinginfo, gdal:colorrelief, grass7:i.atcorr, grass7:i.cca, grass7:i.cluster,, grass7:i.maxlik, grass7:i.smap, grass7:m.cogo, grass7:r.category, grass7:r.colors,,,,,
fileDestination native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:combinestyles, native:filedownloader, native:nearestneighbouranalysis, native:package, native:printlayouttoimage, native:printlayouttopdf, native:rasterlayerstatistics, native:rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport, native:rastersurfacevolume, native:savefeatures, native:stylefromproject, native:tinmeshcreation, native:writevectortiles_mbtiles, gdal:gdal2xyz, gdal:gdalinfo, gdal:ogrinfo, grass7:i.cluster, grass7:i.cluster, grass7:i.gensig
folderDestination native:extractbinary, native:splitvectorlayer, native:writevectortiles_xyz, gdal:gdal2tiles, gdal:retile, grass7:i.aster.toar, grass7:i.cca, grass7:i.landsat.toar, grass7:i.pca, grass7:i.tasscap, grass7:i.topo.corr, grass7:r.colors, grass7:r.horizon, grass7:r.series.interp, grass7:r.stats.quantile.rast, grass7:r.texture, grass7:r.tile, qgis:hypsometriccurves, qgis:pointstopath, qgis:tilesxyzdirectory
layer native:polygonfromlayerextent, native:setlayerstyle
layout native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:printlayoutmapextenttolayer, native:printlayouttoimage, native:printlayouttopdf
layoutitem native:printlayoutmapextenttolayer
maptheme native:rasterize
matrix native:reclassifybytable, saga:orderedweightedaveraging, saga:reclassifyvalues, saga:reclassifyvaluessimple, saga:reclassifyvaluestable
multilayer native:calculatevectoroverlaps, native:cellstatistics, native:combinestyles, native:equaltofrequency, native:greaterthanfrequency, native:highestpositioninrasterstack, native:lessthanfrequency, native:lowestpositioninrasterstack, native:mergevectorlayers, native:package, native:rasterbooleanand, native:rasterize, native:rasterlogicalor, gdal:buildvirtualraster, gdal:buildvirtualvector, gdal:merge, gdal:retile, gdal:tileindex, grass7:i.albedo, grass7:i.cluster
number native:addautoincrementalfield, native:addfieldtoattributestable, native:addfieldtoattributestable, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:arraytranslatedfeatures, native:aspect, native:buffer, native:bufferbym, native:cellstatistics, native:converttocurves, native:converttocurves, native:createconstantrasterlayer, native:createconstantrasterlayer, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer, native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer
point native:pointtolayer, native:rotatefeatures, native:serviceareafrompoint, native:shortestpathlayertopoint, native:shortestpathpointtolayer, native:shortestpathpointtopoint, native:shortestpathpointtopoint, gdal:viewshed, grass7:m.cogo, grass7:r.horizon.height, grass7:r.lake, grass7:r.spreadpath, grass7:r.viewshed, grass7:r.water.outlet, grass7:v.mkgrid,
range grass7:r.rescale, grass7:r.rescale, grass7:r.rescale.eq, grass7:r.rescale.eq,
raster native:aspect, native:cellstatistics, native:equaltofrequency, native:fillnodata, native:fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership, native:fuzzifyrasterlargemembership, native:fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership, native:fuzzifyrasternearmembership, native:fuzzifyrasterpowermembership, native:fuzzifyrastersmallmembership, native:generatepointspixelcentroidsinsidepolygons, native:greaterthanfrequency, native:highestpositioninrasterstack, native:hillshade, native:lessthanfrequency, native:lowestpositioninrasterstack, native:pixelstopoints, native:pixelstopolygons, native:rasterbooleanand, native:rasterlayerstatistics
raster_calc_expression qgis:rastercalculator
rasterDestination native:aspect, native:cellstatistics, native:createconstantrasterlayer, native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer, native:createrandomgammarasterlayer, native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer, native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer, native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer, native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer, native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer, native:equaltofrequency, native:fillnodata, native:fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership, native:fuzzifyrasterlargemembership, native:fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership, native:fuzzifyrasternearmembership, native:fuzzifyrasterpowermembership, native:fuzzifyrastersmallmembership, native:greaterthanfrequency
relief_colors qgis:relief
sink native:addautoincrementalfield, native:addfieldtoattributestable, native:adduniquevalueindexfield, native:adduniquevalueindexfield, native:addxyfields, native:affinetransform, native:aggregate, native:angletonearest, native:antimeridiansplit, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:arraytranslatedfeatures, native:assignprojection, native:bookmarkstolayer, native:boundary, native:boundingboxes, native:buffer, native:bufferbym, native:calculatevectoroverlaps, native:centroids, native:clip
source native:addautoincrementalfield, native:addfieldtoattributestable, native:adduniquevalueindexfield, native:addxyfields, native:affinetransform, native:aggregate, native:angletonearest, native:angletonearest, native:antimeridiansplit, native:arrayoffsetlines, native:arraytranslatedfeatures, native:assignprojection, native:boundary, native:boundingboxes, native:buffer, native:bufferbym, native:calculatevectoroverlaps, native:centroids, native:clip, native:clip
string native:addautoincrementalfield, native:addfieldtoattributestable, native:adduniquevalueindexfield, native:addxyfields, native:angletonearest, native:countpointsinpolygon, native:dbscanclustering, native:dbscanclustering, native:explodehstorefield, native:extractbyattribute, native:extractmvalues, native:extractspecificvertices, native:extractzvalues, native:fieldcalculator, native:filedownloader, native:intersection, native:joinattributesbylocation, native:joinattributestable, native:joinbynearest, native:kmeansclustering
tininputlayers native:tinmeshcreation
vector native:atlaslayouttoimage, native:atlaslayouttopdf, native:createattributeindex, native:createspatialindex, native:flattenrelationships, native:saveselectedfeatures, native:setlayerencoding, native:truncatetable, gdal:ogrinfo, qgis:definecurrentprojection, qgis:importintospatialite
vectorDestination gdal:buffervectors, gdal:buildvirtualvector, gdal:contour, gdal:contour_polygon, gdal:convertformat, gdal:dissolve, gdal:executesql, gdal:offsetcurve, gdal:onesidebuffer, gdal:pointsalonglines, gdal:polygonize, gdal:tileindex, grass7:r.carve, grass7:r.contour, grass7:r.drain, grass7:r.flow, grass7:r.random, grass7:r.resamp.bspline, grass7:r.sim.sediment, grass7:r.sim.water
vectortilewriterlayers native:writevectortiles_mbtiles, native:writevectortiles_xyz
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paleolimbot commented Oct 11, 2020

(edits by @florisvdh: references added to #13 (comment))

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Some tips:
-crs: I'd suggest converting these to a wkt2 representation of the crs and passing that to qgis_process. It's the most straightforward way to get a lossless representation of a crs.

  • co-ordinate operation: this is always a proj string representing a co-ordinate operation, not a crs itself. Unless I'm missing something st_crs doesn't apply here.
  • color: easiest way would be to pass a hex encoded color value

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We're having trouble specifying multilayer inputs (#25)...comma-separated filenames and multiple --INPUT doesn't seem to work. Are we missing something obvious?

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JanCaha commented Sep 6, 2021

crs, extent and point should be done and can be checked out.

distance should quite likely be interpreted as a number. In QGIS GUI it is linked to specific layer and recalculates the distance based on layer CRS and units sets for this parameter. I don't think this is achievable from command line.

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florisvdh commented May 29, 2023

Some thoughts while preparing to tackle potential remaining opportunities here.

as_qgis_argument() deals with several aspects:

  1. always: handle R object passed as input argument in a way that depends on the R object's class, resulting in a specifically formatted output that will be accepted by qgis_process (through qgis_serialize_arguments()), distinguishing between JSON-input and no-JSON-input methods.
  2. sometimes: also take into account the qgis_type property of the argument, either to handle the R object differently (only seen for character class currently), or to restrict acceptance of this R object class to specific values of qgis_type.

For now, I intend to focus on aspect 1, especially to look after interesting R object classes which we still don't handle or handle correctly. Handling aspect 2 more completely, especially for the acceptance part, would potentially require lots of 'class - qgis_type' combinations to handle in R, with future maintenance burden, while qgis_process itself raises an error when an input is not accepted (e.g. when passing "abc" to the distance argument in native:buffer, while "10" will be OK). Dispatching such checks to qgis_process can be considered sufficient for now.

florisvdh added a commit that referenced this issue Jun 3, 2023
…ON objects *******

Will edit following tasks while proceeding.

- [X] since QGIS 3.30.0, `qgis_type`s `distance`, `number` and `boolean` can also take a field or QGIS expression string (aka a data-defined override). Because in R this will be represented as a (specifically formatted) string, those cases are handled well already. Cf. the vignette on using QGIS expressions.
- [X] `distance` usually expects numeric: current handling by `as_qgis_argument()` of numeric input is sufficient
- [X] `multilayer` is sufficiently implemented for the vector case since multiple vector layers in R (even if belonging to same dsn) are always handled as separate R objects, which is also required for the multilayer input. Passing multiple layers is done either by repetition of the same multilayer argument (providing one layer each time) or by wrapping the layers in `qgis_list_input()`.
  - BTW it doesn't work well if passing single multi-layer files (as filepath), e.g. a vector GeoPackage or a multi-band raster; in both cases only the first layer will be used by `qgis_process`. This understanding of 'multilayer' appears to match more the QGIS meaning of a single 'layer', i.e. an entry in the 'layers' panel (such a layer can still be a multiband raster).
  - While filepath arguments are the user's responsibility, multiband raster objects could be taken care of automatically by splitting them before feeding to the multilayer argument, but that would essentially not match the QGIS GUI behaviour. Such cases will raise a warning (08abc26) and solution is left to the user, in order not to override QGIS behaviour.
- [X] `range`: QGIS expects `"min,max"` format. This can be provided directly as a string in R. The no-JSON-input approach in the numeric method of `as_qgis_argument()` will also convert a `c(<min>, <max>)` vector to the expected string format already. While with the JSON input approach the vector is turned into a JSON array, the latter appears to also be correctly processed by `qgis_process`! So vectors are perfect.
- [X] `expression` is always a string and this is supported well (see the vignette on using QGIS expressions)
- [X] `aggregates` is only supported with JSON input, where it is represented as a nested object. Nested list objects prepared with the `qgis_list_input()` and `qgis_dict_input()` helpers can handle this well.
- [ ] `matrix`
- [ ] `fields_mapping`
- [ ] `tininputlayers`
- [ ] `vectortilewriterlayers`
- [ ] `raster_calc_expression`
- [ ] `relief_colors`
- [ ] `color`

+ have a look at raster and stars objects as well, wrt the commits for terra (i.e.: warn with multiband objects that go to multilayer; add care in passing multiband sources)

PR text (reviewer Dewey!)

Hardening argument handling, with attention to some special qgis_types

This will fix #13!

- the remaining task list of #13 (special qgis_types) is further discussed in XXXcommentin13, where the related additions of this PR are described
- the return value of `qgis_extract_output()` can now be directly used as an algorithm argument since methods were added for various qgis_output* classes (ed85db6).
- terra objects that refer multiband source files but with non-matching layer selection or order are specifically addressed by as_qgis_argument() (86de86c). @Nowosad you may want to have a look since you contributed the original method.
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Handled the following in branch args:

  • since QGIS 3.30.0, qgis_types distance, number, boolean, string and color can also take a field or QGIS expression string (aka a data-defined override). Because in R this will be represented as a (specifically formatted) string, those cases are handled well already. Cf. the vignette on using QGIS expressions.
  • distance usually expects numeric: current handling by as_qgis_argument() of numeric input is sufficient.
  • multilayer is sufficiently implemented for the vector case since multiple vector layers in R (even if belonging to same dsn) are always represented as separate R objects, which is also required for the multilayer input. Passing multiple layers is done either by repetition of the same multilayer argument (providing one layer each time) or by wrapping the layers in qgis_list_input().
    • BTW it doesn't work well if passing single multi-layer files (as filepath), e.g. a vector GeoPackage or a multi-band raster; in both cases only the first layer will be used by qgis_process. This understanding of 'multilayer' appears to match more the QGIS meaning of a 'single layer', i.e. an entry in the 'Layers' panel (such a layer can still be a multiband raster).
    • While filepath arguments are the user's responsibility, multiband raster objects could be taken care of automatically by splitting them before feeding to the multilayer argument, but that would essentially not match the QGIS GUI behaviour. Such cases will raise a warning (08abc26, 118c09e, 3ebb604) and solution is left to the user, in order not to override QGIS behaviour.
  • range: QGIS expects "min,max" format. This can be provided directly as a string in R. The no-JSON-input approach in the numeric method of as_qgis_argument() will also convert a c(<min>, <max>) vector to the expected string format already. While with the JSON input approach the vector is turned into a JSON array, the latter appears to also be correctly processed by qgis_process! So vectors are perfect.
  • expression is always a string and this is supported well (see the vignette on using QGIS expressions)
  • matrix: comparable to range; must be a single string of comma-separated values, and this is already achieved for a vector. However the matrix argument type in the QGIS GUI has some table structure, e.g. in native:reclassifybytable this has three columns (Minimum, Maximum, Value). The comma-separated string (vector) is derived by concatenating all rows and dropping column names. Clearly it's a bonus to provide similar handling in R of a matrix or dataframe object. Provided by e702c46 and 545f69c respectively.
  • aggregates is only supported with JSON input, where it is represented as a nested object. Nested list objects prepared with the qgis_list_input() and qgis_dict_input() helpers can handle this well.
  • fields_mapping: same case as aggregates (only supported with JSON input, where it is represented as a nested object).
  • tininputlayers: same case as aggregates (only supported with JSON input, where it is represented as a nested object).
  • vectortilewriterlayers: same case as aggregates (only supported with JSON input, where it is represented as a nested object).
  • raster_calc_expression: same as expression (string)
  • relief_colors: the expected format is a string of numeric values with commas and semi-colons, composed as "min1, max1, r1, g1, b1;min2, max2, r2, g2, b2;<etc>". Each set of values delimited by semi-colons represents an interval (min & max) with a color value as RGB. So we could allow various types of R objects here. Unless the string is directly provided, it has been chosen to only accept a dataframe or matrix with three columns, the third column being an R color string that can be accepted by col2rgb(alpha = FALSE).
  • color: always provided as a colour string to QGIS (hexadecimal representation starting with "#" or a function string "rgba(redval, greenval, blueval, alpha)"). This has been exploited to accept R colors in any string representation that col2rgb(alpha = TRUE) supports, always converting to the "rgba(...)" function string format.

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