Stacheport is a small, simple to use report template engine with mustache-like syntax for PHP
Stacheport can handle collections of arrays, objects and closures while also doing sums of numerical fields in the background. For instance:
$functions= (object) ['format_name' => function($name) {return uc_words($name);}];
$template= View::template('report');
echo Stacheport::factory($template)
[begin report view file]
<tr><td>{{date}}</td><td>{{ functions.format_name('{{salesperson}}') }}</td><td>{{sale_amount}}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Total Sales</td><td>{{counter}}</td><td>{{sale_amount}}</td></tr>
[end view file]
It can also handle grouping by a particular field and repeating the template for each unique field it is grouping by:
$functions= (object) ['even_odd' => function($counter) {return ($counter %2==0)?'even':'odd';}];
$template= View::template('report');
echo Stacheport::factory($template)
This would produce a report for each salesperson totals with date totals.
[begin report view file]
<div class='{{ functions.even_odd_row({{counter}}) }}' {{date}} {{sales_amount}}</div>
<div>Total: {{sales_amount}}</div>
[end view file]