Go client for RabbitMQ Stream Queues
- Overview
- Installing
- Run server with Docker
- Getting started for impatient
- Examples
- Client best practices
- Usage
- Performance test tool
- Build form source
- Project status
Go client for RabbitMQ Stream Queues
The client contains all features to interact with the RabbitMQ Stream Queues.
The main structure is the Environment
that contains the Producer
and Consumer
and Consumer
are the main interfaces to interact with the RabbitMQ Stream Queues.
They don't support the auto-reconnect in case of disconnection but have the events to detect it.
The client provides the ReliableProducer
and ReliableConsumer
that support the auto-reconnect in case of disconnection.
See also the Reliable Producer and Reliable Consumer section.
go get -u github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stream-go-client
"github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stream-go-client/pkg/stream" // Main package
"github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stream-go-client/pkg/amqp" // amqp 1.0 package to encode messages
"github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stream-go-client/pkg/message" // messages interface package, you may not need to import it directly
You may need a server to test locally. Let's start the broker:
docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5552:5552 -p 15672:15672\
-e RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS='-rabbitmq_stream advertised_host localhost -rabbit loopback_users "none"' \
The broker should start in a few seconds. When it’s ready, enable the stream
plugin and stream_management
docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stream_management
Management UI: http://localhost:15672/
Stream uri: rabbitmq-stream://guest:guest@localhost:5552
- Getting started with reliable producer/consumer example.
- Getting started with standard producer/consumer example.
- Getting started Video tutorial:
See examples directory for more use cases.
This client provides a set of best practices to use the client in the best way.
See best practices for more details.
Standard way to connect single node:
env, err := stream.NewEnvironment(
you can define the number of producers per connections, the default value is 1:
you can define the number of consumers per connections, the default value is 1:
To have the best performance you should use the default values. Note about multiple consumers per connection: The IO threads is shared across the consumers, so if one consumer is slow it could impact other consumers performances
It is possible to define multi hosts, in case one fails to connect the clients tries random another one.
addresses := []string{
env, err := stream.NewEnvironment(
The stream client is supposed to reach all the hostnames,
in case of load balancer you can use the stream.AddressResolver
parameter in this way:
addressResolver := stream.AddressResolver{
Host: "load-balancer-ip",
Port: 5552,
env, err := stream.NewEnvironment(
In this configuration the client tries the connection until reach the right node.
This rabbitmq blog post explains the details.
See also "Using a load balancer" example in the examples directory
To configure TLS you need to set the IsTLS
env, err := stream.NewEnvironment(
SetPort(5551). // standard TLS port
The tls.Config
is the standard golang tls library https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls
See also "Getting started TLS" example in the examples directory.
It is also possible to configure TLS using the Schema URI like:
env, err := stream.NewEnvironment(
To configure SASL you need to set the SaslMechanism
parameter Environment.SetSaslConfiguration
cfg := new(tls.Config)
cfg.ServerName = "my_server_name"
cfg.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
if ca, err := os.ReadFile("certs/ca_certificate.pem"); err == nil {
if cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("certs/client/cert.pem", "certs/client/key.pem"); err == nil {
cfg.Certificates = append(cfg.Certificates, cert)
env, err := stream.NewEnvironment(stream.NewEnvironmentOptions().
SetSaslConfiguration(stream.SaslConfigurationExternal). // SASL EXTERNAL
To define streams you need to use the the environment
interfaces DeclareStream
and DeleteStream
It is highly recommended to define stream retention policies during the stream creation, like MaxLengthBytes
or MaxAge
err = env.DeclareStream(streamName,
The function DeclareStream
doesn't return errors if a stream is already defined with the same parameters.
Note that it returns the precondition failed when it doesn't have the same parameters
Use StreamExists
to check if a stream exists.
To get stream statistics you need to use the environment.StreamStats
stats, err := environment.StreamStats(testStreamName)
// FirstOffset - The first offset in the stream.
// return first offset in the stream /
// Error if there is no first offset yet
firstOffset, err := stats.FirstOffset() // first offset of the stream
// CommittedChunkId - The ID (offset) of the committed chunk (block of messages) in the stream.
// It is the offset of the first message in the last chunk confirmed by a quorum of the stream
// cluster members (leader and replicas).
// The committed chunk ID is a good indication of what the last offset of a stream can be at a
// given time. The value can be stale as soon as the application reads it though, as the committed
// chunk ID for a stream that is published to changes all the time.
committedChunkId, err := statsAfter.CommittedChunkId()
To publish a message you need a *stream.Producer
producer, err := env.NewProducer("my-stream", nil)
With ProducerOptions
is possible to customize the Producer behaviour.
The client provides two interfaces to send messages.
var message message.StreamMessage
message = amqp.NewMessage([]byte("hello"))
err = producer.Send(message)
and BatchSend
var messages []message.StreamMessage
for z := 0; z < 10; z++ {
messages = append(messages, amqp.NewMessage([]byte("hello")))
err = producer.BatchSend(messages)
The BatchSend
is the primitive to send the messages. It is up to the user to manage the aggregation.
introduces a smart layer to publish messages and internally uses BatchSend
Starting from version 1.5.0, the Send
uses a dynamic send.
The client sends the message buffer regardless of any timeout.
What should you use?
The Send
method is the best choice for most of the cases:
- It is asynchronous
- It is smart to aggregate the messages in a batch with a low-latency
- It is smart to split the messages in case the size is bigger than
- You can play with
parameter to increase the throughput
The BatchSend
is useful in case you need to manage the aggregation by yourself.
It gives you more control over the aggregation process:
- It is synchronous
- It is up to the user to manage the aggregation
- It is up to the user to split the messages in case the size is bigger than
- It can be faster than
in case the aggregation is managed by the user.
With both methods you can have low-latency and/or high-throughput.
The Send
is the best choice for low-latency without care about aggregation.
With BatchSend
you have more control.
Performance test tool can help you to test Send
and BatchSend
See also the Performance test tool section.
For each publish the server sends back to the client the confirmation or an error. The client provides an interface to receive the confirmation:
//optional publish confirmation channel
chPublishConfirm := producer.NotifyPublishConfirmation()
func handlePublishConfirm(confirms stream.ChannelPublishConfirm) {
go func() {
for confirmed := range confirms {
for _, msg := range confirmed {
if msg.IsConfirmed() {
fmt.Printf("message %s stored \n ", msg.GetMessage().GetData())
} else {
fmt.Printf("message %s failed \n ", msg.GetMessage().GetData())
In the MessageStatus struct you can find two publishingId
//first one
// second one
The first one is provided by the user for special cases like Deduplication.
The second one is assigned automatically by the client.
In case the user specifies the publishingId
msg = amqp.NewMessage([]byte("mymessage"))
msg.SetPublishingId(18) // <---
The filed: messageStatus.GetMessage().HasPublishingId()
is true and
the values messageStatus.GetMessage().GetPublishingId()
and messageStatus.GetPublishingId()
are the same.
See also "Getting started" example in the examples directory
The deduplication is a feature that allows to avoid the duplication of messages.
It is enabled by the user by setting the producer name with the options:
producer, err := env.NewProducer(streamName, stream.NewProducerOptions().SetName("my_producer"))
The stream plugin can handle deduplication data, see this blog post for more details:
You can find a "Deduplication" example in the examples directory.
Run it more than time, the messages count will be always 10.
To retrieve the last sequence id for producer you can use:
publishingId, err := producer.GetLastPublishingId()
The number of messages to put in a sub-entry. A sub-entry is one "slot" in a publishing frame,
meaning outbound messages are not only batched in publishing frames, but in sub-entries as well.
Use this feature to increase throughput at the cost of increased latency.
You can find a "Sub Entries Batching" example in the examples directory.
Default compression is None
(no compression) but you can define different kind of compressions: GZIP
Compression is valid only is SubEntrySize > 1
producer, err := env.NewProducer(streamName, stream.NewProducerOptions().
Stream filtering is a new feature in RabbitMQ 3.13. It allows to save bandwidth between the broker and consuming applications when those applications need only a subset of the messages of a stream. See this blog post for more details. The blog post also contains a Java example but the Go client is similar. See the Filtering example in the examples directory.
In order to consume messages from a stream you need to use the NewConsumer
interface, ex:
handleMessages := func(consumerContext stream.ConsumerContext, message *amqp.Message) {
fmt.Printf("consumer name: %s, text: %s \n ", consumerContext.Consumer.GetName(), message.Data)
consumer, err := env.NewConsumer(
With ConsumerOptions
it is possible to customize the consumer behaviour.
SetConsumerName("my_consumer"). // set a consumer name
SetCRCCheck(false). // Enable/Disable the CRC control.
SetOffset(stream.OffsetSpecification{}.First())) // start consuming from the beginning
Disabling the CRC control can increase the performances.
See also "Offset Start" example in the examples directory
Close the consumer:
the consumer is removed from the server. TCP connection is closed if there aren't
other consumers
The server can store the current delivered offset given a consumer, in this way:
handleMessages := func(consumerContext stream.ConsumerContext, message *amqp.Message) {
if atomic.AddInt32(&count, 1)%1000 == 0 {
err := consumerContext.Consumer.StoreOffset() // commit all messages up to the current message's offset
consumer, err := env.NewConsumer(
SetConsumerName("my_consumer"). <------
A consumer must have a name to be able to store offsets.
Note: AVOID to store the offset for each single message, it will reduce the performances
See also "Offset Tracking" example in the examples directory
The server can also store a previous delivered offset rather than the current delivered offset, in this way:
processMessageAsync := func(consumer stream.Consumer, message *amqp.Message, offset int64) {
err := consumer.StoreCustomOffset(offset) // commit all messages up to this offset
This is useful in situations where we have to process messages asynchronously and we cannot block the original message
handler. Which means we cannot store the current or latest delivered offset as we saw in the handleMessages
The following snippet shows how to enable automatic tracking with the defaults:
SetAutoCommit(stream.NewAutoCommitStrategy() ...
is also a valid value. Default values will be used
SetAutoCommit(nil) ...
Set the consumer name (mandatory for offset tracking)
The automatic tracking strategy has the following available settings:
message count before storage: the client will store the offset after the specified number of messages,
right after the execution of the message handler. The default is every 10,000 messages. -
flush interval: the client will make sure to store the last received offset at the specified interval.
This avoids having pending, not stored offsets in case of inactivity. The default is 5 seconds.
Those settings are configurable, as shown in the following snippet:
// set a consumerOffsetNumber name
SetCountBeforeStorage(50). // store each 50 messages stores
SetFlushInterval(10*time.Second)). // store each 10 seconds
See also "Automatic Offset Tracking" example in the examples directory
It is possible to query the consumer offset using:
offset, err := env.QueryOffset("consumer_name", "streamName")
An error is returned if the offset doesn't exist.
Stream filtering is a new feature in RabbitMQ 3.13. It allows to save bandwidth between the broker and consuming applications when those applications need only a subset of the messages of a stream. See this blog post for more details. The blog post also contains a Java example but the Go client is similar. See the Filtering example in the examples directory.
The Single Active Consumer pattern ensures that only one consumer processes messages from a stream at a time. See the Single Active Consumer example.
To create a consumer with the Single Active Consumer pattern, you need to set the SingleActiveConsumer
consumerName := "MyFirstGroupConsumer"
consumerUpdate := func(isActive bool) stream.OffsetSpecification {..}
The ConsumerUpdate
function is called when the consumer is promoted.
The new consumer will restart consuming from the offset returned by the consumerUpdate
It is up to the user to decide the offset to return.
One of the way is to store the offset server side and restart from the last offset.
The Single Active Consumer example uses the server side
offset to restart the consumer.
The ConsumerName
is mandatory to enable the SAC. It is the way to create different group of consumers
Different groups of consumers can consume the same stream at the same time.
The NewConsumerOptions().SetOffset()
is not necessary when the SAC is active the ConsumerUpdate
replaces the value.
See also this post for more details: https://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2022/07/05/rabbitmq-3-11-feature-preview-single-active-consumer-for-streams
Client provides an interface to handle the producer/consumer close.
channelClose := consumer.NotifyClose()
defer consumerClose(channelClose)
func consumerClose(channelClose stream.ChannelClose) {
event := <-channelClose
fmt.Printf("Consumer: %s closed on the stream: %s, reason: %s \n", event.Name, event.StreamName, event.Reason)
In this way it is possible to handle fail-over
The ReliableProducer
and ReliableConsumer
are built up the standard producer/consumer.
Both use the standard events to handle the close. So you can write your own code to handle the fail-over.
- [
] auto-reconnect in case of disconnection. - [
] check if stream exists, if not they close theReliableProducer
. - [
] check if the stream has a valid leader and replicas, if not they retry until the stream is ready. - [
] handle the unconfirmed messages automatically in case of fail. - [
] restart from the last offset in case of restart.
You can find a "Reliable" example in the examples directory.
The Super Stream feature is a new feature in RabbitMQ 3.11. It allows to create a stream with multiple partitions.
Each partition is a separate stream, but the client sees the Super Stream as a single stream.
You can find a "Super Stream" example in the examples directory.
In this blog post you can find more details: https://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2022/07/13/rabbitmq-3-11-feature-preview-super-streams
You can read also the java stream-client blog post: https://rabbitmq.github.io/rabbitmq-stream-java-client/stable/htmlsingle/#super-streams
- The code is written in Java but the same concepts are valid for the Go client.
- The Go client has the same features as the Java client.
Super Stream supports publish-filtering and consume-filtering features.
Offset tracking is supported for the Super Stream consumer.
In the same way as the standard stream, you can use the SetAutoCommit
or SetManualCommit
option to enable/disable the automatic offset tracking.
On the super stream consumer message handler is possible to identify the partition, the consumer and the offset:
handleMessages := func(consumerContext stream.ConsumerContext, message *amqp.Message) {
consumerContext.Consumer.GetName() // consumer name
consumerContext.Consumer.GetOffset() // current offset
consumerContext.Consumer.GetStreamName() // stream name (partition name )
Manual tracking API:
: stores the current offset.consumerContext.Consumer.StoreCustomOffset(xxx)
stores a custom offset.
Like the standard stream, you should avoid to store the offset for each single message: it will reduce the performances.
Performance test tool it is useful to execute tests.
The performance test tool is in the perfTest directory.
See also the Java Performance tool
make build
To execute the tests you need a docker image, you can use:
make rabbitmq-server
to run a ready rabbitmq-server with stream enabled for tests.
then make test