- Beijing, China
- https://race604.com/
clock-tui Public
A clock app in terminal written in Rust, supports local clock, timer and stopwatch.
jcommit Public
An AI-powered tool to generate git commit messages.
ZhiHuDaily-React-Native Public
A Zhihu Daily(http://daily.zhihu.com/) App client implemented using React Native (Android and iOS).
flutter_cloud_kit Public
Forked from Fuelet/flutter_cloud_kitA simple flutter plugin for interactions with Apple Cloud Kit API on iOS devices
Dart MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2023 -
goji-js Public
Forked from airbnb/goji-jsReact ❤️ Mini Program
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
react-native-viewpager Public
[Deprecated] ViewPager component for React Native
dedup Public
A command line tool to deduplicate lines, implemented in Rust.
flutter_contacts Public
Forked from lukasgit/flutter_contactsA Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices. Maintainer: @lukasgit
Java MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2020 -
flutter_contacts_deprecated Public
Forked from fluttercommunity/flutter_contactsA Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices. Maintainer: @lukasgit
Dart MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2019 -
a dependency inject container for golang (golang inject), objects will be closed on a reverse order of their creation
Go UpdatedJul 25, 2018 -
tensorflow-for-poets-2 Public
Forked from googlecodelabs/tensorflow-for-poets-2Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 12, 2018 -
cling Public
Forked from 4thline/clingUPnP/DLNA library for Java and Android
🐒 The Microservice API Gateway
Lua Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 16, 2017 -
SpinMenu Public
Forked from Hitomis/SpinMenu轮盘样式的 Fragment 选择菜单,可转动轮盘切换 Fragment
TestMemoryLeak Public
This is test project for PreferenceFragment memory leak issue
Java UpdatedAug 18, 2016 -
FlyRefresh Public
The implementation of https://dribbble.com/shots/2067564-Replace
pidcat Public
Forked from JakeWharton/pidcatColored logcat script which only shows log entries for a specific application package.
Python UpdatedFeb 12, 2016 -
AndroidFFmpeg Public
Forked from appunite/AndroidFFmpegFFmpeg build for android random architectures with example jni
chai-react-native Public
Forked from backslash112/chai-react-nativeChai + Facebook's React Native for Android = :)
react-native-refresher Public
Forked from syrusakbary/react-native-refresherA pull to refresh ListView for React Native completely written in js.
GhostExport Public
Export Ghost blog posts to markdown files
SwipeBackLayout Public
Forked from ikew0ng/SwipeBackLayoutAn Android library that help you to build app with swipe back gesture.
android-gif-project Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/android-gif-project
AIDLService-sample Public
This is the source code related to this blog: http://www.race604.com/communicate-with-remote-service-1
Android-BleEventAdapter Public
Forked from thedamfr/Android-BleEventAdapterAn Event-Based Adapter to connect your Android Device via Bluetooth Low Energy aka. Bluetooth Smart. Welcome to the Internet Of Things !
aBeacon Public
Forked from youten/aBeaconAndroid BLE Peripheral Advertiese sample as a iBeacon for Lollipop