- Author: Rachel Seongeun Kim
- Table of Contents
Helper functions to visualize the result of complexsearch and complexcluster source code
example data
- rotate_translate : rotate and translate the complex by providing the ut matrix
- superpose_complex : open query and target, and superpose the complex by providing scorecomplex report file
- show_cluster : open all pdb files in the cluster, and superpose members on the representative by providing scorecomplex report file and complexcluster result file
- print_tmscore : print the TM-score of the complex by providing scorecomplex report file, query and target
- print_ut : print the UT matrix of the complex by providing scorecomplex report file, query and target
- print_report : print the report of the complex by providing scorecomplex report file, query and target
- cluster alias : use the cluster as a unit e.g. show specific cluster (clu_repname)
How to use
open visualize_foldseek_complex.py # 1. rotate_translate open query.pdb open target.pdb rotate_translate #2 0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004,0.005,0.006,0.007,0.008,0.009,100,200,300 # 2. superpose_complex superpose_complex /path/to/scorecomplex_report query,target pdb_path /path/to/pdb_dir qt_id 1,2 # 3. show_cluster show_cluster /path/to/scorecomplex_report /path/to/complexcluster_result pdb_path /path/to/pdb # 4. print functions print_tmscore /path/to/scorecomplex_report query,target print_ut /path/to/scorecomplex_report query,target print_report /path/to/scorecomplex_report query,target ---------- ## Additional information # 1. cluster alias e.g. clu_7soy_1 hide cartoon show clu_7soy_1 cartoon
Visualized examples from ChimeraX
show clu_7soy_1 cartoon