A Sketch plugin to add or toggle timestamps (last updated date) to the artboards on a page.
- Download latest .zip file via Github or here.
- Unzip and double click to install it.
Designs keeps changing; versions and versions of artboards/files keep coming in. I often find myself dating these different versions manually in the form of a text layer on an artboard which I change whenever I update the design. And then update the overall version of the design by renaming the sketch file and adding a date to it.
What if this date updated on its own whenever I made changes to the designs?
This is what 'Timestamp' is trying to achieve. A plugin to add and toggle the timestamps on the artboards in your sketch file. Once you add a timestamp, don't worry about editing it manually. It will automatically update when you change your designs (it is a locked layer - see the gifs below).
Specifically, this is what this plugin can do:
Timestamp can | Notes |
Add a timestamp to a single artboard | Select the artboard or a layer on the artboard and run the plugin |
Add a timestamp to multiple artboards at once | Select multiple artboards and run the plugin |
Add a timestamp to all the artboards on a page | Without selecting anything, run the plugin while on the page |
Toggle timestamps on a page | Select 'Toggle timestamps' from the menu to hide or show timestamps |
- [CTRL + SHIFT + T] or access from 'Plugins' menu to add timestamps to the selected artboard or all the artboards on this page
- Timestamp gets updated as the design is updated
- [CTRL + SHIFT + Y] or access from 'Plugins' menu to toggle timestamps on a page
A message informing the user will be shown at the bottom of the screen if:
- There are no artboards on the page
- The artboards do not have any timestamps
- Timestamp is added with pre-defined x,y co-ordinates for an artboard. If your artboards are small, sometimes the layer might end up getting added outside or misplaced -- I'm working on it.
- If you change the name of the layer from 'timestamp' to anything else, it will not update anymore. If you make any changes, remember to name it back to 'timestamp'.
- The timestamp layer is single style, 'Helvetica', 12px and Black color. In future, I will either open it to the user to select the style of the layer or copy the styles from your design.
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me at rachitgupta75@gmail.com.