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This module creates an AWS DynamoDB table.

Basic Usage

module "basic" {
  source = ""

  environment          = "Test"
  hash_key             = "MyHashKey"
  read_capacity_units  = 10
  name                 = "myexampletable"
  tags                 = local.tags
  write_capacity_units = 5

  attributes = [
      name = "TestHashKey"
      type = "S"

Known Bugs

When using the index maps for GSI's and LSI's there is a bug in the Terraform AWS provider which stores the order of non_key_attributes in the state file in an order that may not match what you pass in.

If a subsequent plan shows changes for your indexes look for lines similar to the below in the output:

global_secondary_index.1708383685.non_key_attributes.0: "data2" => ""
global_secondary_index.1708383685.non_key_attributes.1: "data1" => ""
global_secondary_index.1708383685.non_key_attributes.2: "data3" => ""

The input data was ["data1", "data2", "data3"] and we can see that attributes 0, 1, and 2 do not follow this same order.

The resolution at the moment is to edit the list in your map to match the order in the state file. This should result in a clean plan when no other changes are present.


global secondary index always recreated #3828

DynamoDB Non-Key Attributes Ordering #3807

Terraform 0.12 upgrade

Several changes were required while adding terraform 0.12 compatibility. The following changes should be
made when upgrading from a previous release to version 0.12.0 or higher.

Module variables

The following module variables were updated to better meet current Rackspace style guides:

  • table_name -> name


Name Version
aws >= 2.7.0


Name Description Type Default Required
attributes List of nested attribute definitions. Only required for hash_key's (always) and range_key's (if used) attributes. Attributes have name and type. Type must be a scalar type: S, N, or B for (S)tring, (N)umber or (B)inary data. i.e. [{ name=<hash_key> type=<data_type>}]. Terraform documentation: A note about attributes list(map(string)) n/a yes
enable_pay_per_request Controls how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity. If True, DynamoDB charges you for the data reads and writes your application performs on your tables. You do not need to specify how much read and write throughput you expect your application to perform because DynamoDB instantly accommodates your workloads as they ramp up or down. On-Demand Pricing If False, you specify the number of read_capacity_units and write_capacity_units per second that you expect your workload to require. Provisioned Pricing bool false no
enable_ttl Enable time to live on record. bool false no
environment Application environment for which this resource is being created. Preferred values are Development, Integration, PreProduction, Production, QA, Staging, or Test. string "Development" no
global_secondary_index_maps A list of maps for each global secondary index (GSI). Please see examples for usage. any [] no
hash_key Forces new resource! Must contain only alphanumberic characters, dash (-), underscore (_) or dot (.). Needs to be defined by type in attributes. string n/a yes
local_secondary_index_maps A list of maps for each local secondary index (LSI). Please see examples for usage. any [] no
name The name of the table, this needs to be unique within a region. string n/a yes
point_in_time_recovery Enable point in time recovery for the table. bool false no
range_key Forces new resource! RangeType PrimaryKey Name. If used, it will need to be defined by type in attributes string "" no
read_capacity_units Provisioned read throughput. Should be between 5 and 10000. Ignored if enable_pay_per_request is set to true. number 5 no
stream_enabled Enable the stream setting on the table. bool false no
stream_view_type If using stream_enabled, you can specify a valid DynamoDB StreamViewType; must be one of: KEYS_ONLY, NEW_IMAGE. OLD_IMAGE, NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES string "" no
table_encryption_cmk You may choose to use an AWS Managed CMK by setting this to true. Otherwise, server side table encryption defaults to an AWS Owned CMK. bool false no
tags Custom tags to apply to all resources. map(string) {} no
ttl_attribute The name of the table attribute to store the TTL timestamp in string "" no
write_capacity_units Provisioned write throughput. Should be between 5 and 10000. Ignored if enable_pay_per_request is set to true. number 10 no


Name Description
stream_arn ARN for the stream if stream_enabled was set to true, otherwise returns a string of "null".
table_arn Table ARN
table_name Table Name