Backend/server side for provide REST API and Admin Dashboard for Wrytte Frontend.
- express-session : Session middleware
- cookie-parser : Cookie parser middleware
- cors : Node.js CORS middleware
- datauri : Generate Data URI scheme
- dotenv : Loads environment variables from .env file
- google-auth-library : Google's officially library for using OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication
- jsonwebtoken : Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- bcryptjs : Password hashing
- mongodb : MongoDB NodeJS Driver
- mongoose : MongoDB object modeling
- mongoose-unique-validator : MongoDB object modeling
- validator : String validators and sanitizers
- chai : Testing assertion
- chai-http : HTTP integration testing with Chai assertions
- mocha : JavaScript test framework runner
- cloudinary : Upload images to cloudinary (cloud service)
- multer : Handling multipart/form-data (primarily used for uploading files)
- multer-storage-cloudinary : Multer storage engine for Cloudinary
- connect-flash : Flash message/alert middleware
- path : Access and interact with the file system
- startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 : Admin dashboard