"Heads Up Display" for public health data. This project is a collaboration between hackers from three campuses of the University of Puerto Rico, and presented at the Puerto Rico Tech Summit Hackathon. Participants were: Roberto Arce Corretjer UPR-RRP, Jose Conde UPR-RCM, Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga UPR-RRP, and Juan Solá Sloan UPR-B.
Figure 1: Years of Potential Life Lost by municipality of residence for 2008.
The last prototype uses atlaspr, one of the API's released for the hackathon by the government of Puerto Rico, to render interactive maps of the island. You can see the demo live. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has a github repository with more than a dozen free software projects.
The current prototype does not include atlaspr. It only uses D3's libraries, and requires TopoJSON's functionality to generate a JSON file from which to pull map polygons and map data. It also has human-computer interaction which allows the user to analyze the results visually.
Our next prototype will include a bar chart feature which will display information of the town selected from that specific year.
The user must have ogr2ogr and topojson and installed to compile the program. The user must haver a SimpleHTTPServer setup in order to see the webpage.