Classifies sound phrases from large scale corpora using NLP, POS tagging, Word Embeddings, and SVMs.
This project is a replication of the experiments conducted in Section 2 of the paper:
"Discovering sound concepts and acoustic relations in text" found on IEEE Xplore
The project processes large scale text corpora and uses regular expressions and POS tagging to classify sound phrases. I then manually labeled around 3000 sound phrases obtained previously into sound or non-sound classification. The resulting was used to train a Linear SVM to produce a sound phrase vs non-sound phrase classifier.
The project runs in Python3.
Additional Files:
training_data (training data for
clf1.model (classifier model trained on word2vec 300d vectors)
sample_document (input for when set to "true")
sample_list (input for when set to "false")
results.txt (output from when input is sample_list)
Google's pretrained word2vec represantations model (found here:
Stanford's GloVe pretrained vectors (found here:
numpy, optunity, gensim, sklearn, pickle, sys, os, nltk, re
To train the sound_classifier on new data and get a saved copy of the LinearSVM model, run:
python3 (word2vec/glove) <embeddings_filename> <training_data_filename>
This will save the classifier model to the filename 'clf1.model'
To test the accuracy of the sound classifier on a list of labeled data, run:
python3 (word2vec/glove) <embeddings_filename> <model_filename> <test_data_filename>
This will print the accuracy of the classifier on the test data.
To run the classifier on a large text document or a list of unlabeled sounds, run:
python3 (word2vec/glove) <embeddings_filename> <model_filename> <data_filename> (true/false)
(True for large document, false for list of sounds)
This will process the document(or list) and output a list (results.txt) of filtered sound phrases with their confidence scores.
IMPORTANT: A classifier may be trained on glove or word2vec embeddings only. Additionally, the input files for training_data and sample_list (when set to 'false') must match the format given in the examples files.