This repo is the central location for Radxa-built system images for Radxa NX5 IO Board.
Currently 4 flavors are provided:
- Debian KDE: This flavor is officially supported, tested, and recommended for all users.
- Debian CLI: This flavor is officially supported. This flavor is quite minimal and is intended for headless usage. We do not support desktop usage on top of this flavor.
- Ubuntu KDE: This flavor is provided as-is except for critical issues. Desktop is currently not working and we intend to fix it in a later time. This (currently broken) build is generated to catch build system issues.
- Ubuntu CLI: This flavor is provided as-is except for critical issues. Users should look at Debian CLI as an alternative.
Please also always use the latest release instead of any pre-release / test builds. Those will not be supported.
For other questions, please first take a look at our Wiki, which covers the most basic usages.
Should you have any additional questions, please visit our forum or our Discord, and we are willing to help.