a utility script for generating skeleton django sites (and now support for other frameworks like flask).
assuming a base directory of /home/user/envs/, django-site-gen will create the following when executed like so:
python generate_site.py twitter.com -p 9001
if you want to use the flask framework, django-site-gen will create the following:
python generate_site.py twitter.com -p 9001 -f flask
- envs/twitter/ - the root directory of flask site - a virtualenv
- envs/twitter/conf/ - gunicorn and nginx confs for local and production
- envs/twitter/logs/ - gunicorn and nginx logs
- envs/twitter/twitter/ - where the site and sqlite db live
- envs/twitter/twitter/static/ - site media served by nginx
- envs/twitter/twitter/templates/ - site template dirs