EasyHigh is a tool to assist in the analysis of player activity in a Tibia war team. It was done thinking about the use of Zenobra Pune, a guild of Tibia.
Searching by the TeamSpeak description of a player, the EasyHigh search data about all the player's characters in differents sources and joins that in a single page. This is an example of the result page.
It was made using flask, selenium and requests.
The search based in my team's pattern TeamSpeak description, so, needs to follow this pattern:
{player's name} - Main: {character's name} | {world}: {character's name} | {world}: {character's name} ... | Reg: {leader name}
- Python 3.7+
- poetry
- Selenium
poetry install
Unzip and copy chromedriver
to project's root folder.
Create an config.ini
cp config.ini.example config.ini
Set account name and password of a Steam account in config.ini
The account must have steam guard disabled.
TibiaRing requires a login to show all character history.
Active the poetry's shell:
poetry shell
environment variable.
- Windows:
export FLASK_APP=main.py
- Linux/Mac:
set FLASK_APP=main.py
and, finally, run flask app.
flask run