This project is a file sharing application that allows uploading and downloading files. The backend application is built with Node.js and Express, while the frontend is created with React.
Project created for the Cloud App Security Engineer vacancy challenge at Liferay
File Upload: The application allows users to upload files to the server. Basic authentication is required for this operation.
File Download: Users can also download files from the server, using the file name and basic authentication.
Basic Authentication: Access to both file upload and download operations is protected by basic authentication.
Backend: Node.js, Express, Multer for handling file uploads.
Frontend: React, Axios for making HTTP requests.
Authentication: The basic-auth library of Node.js is used for implementing basic authentication.
Containerization: Docker.
We have 3 ways to run this project. Using locally, initializing from terminal or via docker, and minikube.
The base project is configured to run locally and dockerized, for minikube, follow the documentation above
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd file-sharing-app
Install dependencies inside both backend/ and frontend/ directories
yarn install
Start the server inside both backend/ and frontend/ directories
npm start
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd file-sharing-app
Change the username inside the whole
script for your username (This is good if you want to publish this image later on Dockerhub)
For exemple:
docker buildx build -t [username]/node-app:latest -f node.Dockerfile .
docker buildx build -t rafaelpdemelo/node-app:latest -f node.Dockerfile .
Now, make login in Docker via terminal
docker login
Now, let's run the script
to execute the creation of the docker image and also run the container with the application.
You may need administrator permission for your operating system.
if you use linux, you can use it to turn the file into an executable file. (in case the command above doesn't work '-')
chmod a+x
And after
Now if you access your localhost:80
, you will see the React application. If you access localhost:3001
, you will see that the server has also gone up (Informed by the message Cannot get /
In case you are running the application locally, you can see the uploads performed inside the uploads folder that was generated inside backend/src/uploads
If you are running with Docker, you can also view the files that are being uploaded.
Just Run and go to the same path backend/src/uploads
docker exec -it [container-id] /bin/bash