Release of GeoPDEs 3.4.0
GeoPDEs is an open source and free package for the research and teaching of Isogeometric Analysis, written in Octave and fully compatible with Matlab.
This new release contains several important changes and additions, in particular:
- C1 splines over analysis-suitable G1 multipatch domains (thanks to Cesare Bracco and Andrea Farahat).
- Hierarchical C1 splines over analysis-suitable G1 multipatch domains (thanks to Cesare Bracco, and also to Andrea Farahat).
- Cahn-Hilliard equation with adaptive refinement and coarsening on single patch domains (thanks to Michele Torre).
- Cahn-Hilliard equation with adaptive refinement and coarsening on multipatch domain (thanks to Michele Torre and Cesare Bracco).
The .tar file contains the GeoPDEs and NURBS packages, the GeoPDEs_hierarchical package, the mex files of the NURBS toolbox, and two technical reports.