Tools to automate scaffolding resources setup processes.
pip install git+
In order to use this tools, you need to create config file. The example file is on example/example-config.yml
# Show help
matools -h
# Check your yml file
awsudo -u sa@acc-org -- matools test --configfile example/example-config.yml
# Create all Stack Sets and All Stack Set Instances
awsudo -u sa@acc-org -- matools create-all --configfile example/example-config.yml
# Create all Stack Set Instances only
awsudo -u sa@acc-org -- matools create-stack-instances --configfile example/example-config.yml
# Delete all Stack Set Instances and Stack Sets (Dangerous Command)
awsudo -u sa@acc-org -- matools delete-all --configfile example/example-config.yml