Go Fuzzy find server and denite.nvim custom matcher client.
Then in your .vimrc
Plug 'Shougo/denite.nvim'
Plug 'raghur/fuzzy-denite', {'do': ':FuzzyDeniteInstall'}
call denite#custom#source('_', 'matchers', ['matcher/gofuzzy'])
I currently use nixprime/cpsm
and while it’s great, it’s a pain to set up on
windows and Linux since the python extension has to be compiled separately.
This isn’t a problem on Linux - but on Windows - :O :O.
I wanted to try my hand at writing something that works reasonably well and is comparatively easy to set up.
A special purpose, stateful server on localhost that listens for connections and responds with matches.
So you might be thinking that out of process, network api call vs C extension? So did I. But, a few tweaks and I can’t really tell the difference that much
The list of things to be filtered is sent at best once. A hash is calculated on the client and the list to be filtered is sent only if the server doesn’t already have it.
GRPC for comms - much faster than pickling or HTTP. It makes installation of the plugin a little more involved since
has to be run on installation but the it’s worth the trouble for the speed up and no lag experience -
I use NeoMRU a lot - it has a limit of 1000 entries. Turning this down to 100 makes is more reasonable.
Fast - no pause, no hiccups
Relevant matching - esp filenames/paths - right now, this isn’t great, but a lot easier to improve
Easy installation - esp no pip dependencies on the python client.