This repository contains beginner examples and python3 syntax for getting hands-on the programming language.
- Hello world
- Use of list, tuple and dictionary
- Square root of number
- Area of triangle
- Quadratic equation
- Swap two variables
- Generate random number
- Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Check if number is positive or negative
- Number is odd or even
- Leap year
- Largest among three numbers
- Prime numbers from 0 to 1000
- Generate N prime numbers
- Factorial of number
- Multiplication table
- Fibonacci series
- Armstrong numbers
- Sum of natural numbers
- Decimal to binary, octal & hex
- ASCII value of character
- Factors of number
- Simple calculator
- Calendar
- Fibonacci series using recursion
- Sum of natural number using recursion
- Factorial of number using recursion
- Add two matrices
- Transpose a matrix
- Multiply two matrices
- Display user-defined pattern
- Palindrome check
- Sort word in alphabetic order
- Different set operations
- Count number of each vowels
- Find hash of file
- File Handling operations
- Exception handling concept
Few practicals which are not in practical folder will update soon