$ npm install geo-point
Calculates bearing to destination point in degrees.
const startPoint = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
const endPoint = new GeoPoint(52.5, -1.15);
const bearing = startPoint.calculateBearing(endPoint);
Caculates destination point using start point, bearing and dintace in meters.
const startPoint = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
const endPoint = startPoint.calculateDestination(1000, 90);
Calculates distance to the destination point in meters.
const startPoint = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
const endPoint = new GeoPoint(52.5, -1.15);
const distance = startPoint.calculateDistance(endPoint);
Calculates the tile
const startPoint = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
const { x, y } = startPoint.toTile(7);
returns lat,lng string
returns a GeoJSON representation
const point = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
const geoJson = point.toGeoJSON();
geoJson.should.have.keys(['type', 'coordinates']);
geoJson.coordinates.should.deep.equals([-0.15, 51.5]);
returns a plain {latitude: Number, longitude: Number}
const point = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
point.toPlainObject().should.have.keys(['latitude', 'longitude']);
returns [lat, lng]
const point = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
point.toLatLngArray().should.deep.equals([51.5, -0.15]);
const point = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
point.toLngLatArray().should.deep.equals([-0.15, 51.5]);
returns [lng, lat]
Returns a bearing between two points
Returns destination point
Returns a distance between points in meters
const point1 = new GeoPoint(51.5, -0.15);
const point2 = new GeoPoint(51.6, -0.15);
const distanceInMeters = GeoPoint.calculateDistance(point1, point2);
factory function
const point = GeoPoint.fromGeoJSON({
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-0.15, 51.5]
factory function
const point = GeoPoint.fromObject({
latitude: 51.5,
longitude: -0.15
factory function
const point = GeoPoint.fromLatLngArray([51.5, -0.15]);
factory function
const point = GeoPoint.fromLngLatArray([-0.15, 51.5]);