Releases: rainmakerv3/shadPS4
Releases · rainmakerv3/shadPS4
personal playing branch, not for general use
RemapshadPS4 (final version)
Since my remapping GUI PR was merged in the official builds, I will no longer be maintaining this, but leaving it up here for remembrance :)
- Controller Remapping branch inc. GUI with my own code
- My gamma adjustment code (config setting)
- My backup save implementation (removed, transferred to BBLauncher)
- Changelog vs last official release: shadps4-emu/shadPS4@v.0.5.0...rainmakerv3:shadPS4:remap2
New Gravity Rush Remastered hack
- new version updated to 0.5.1
- Fixes crashes by removing certain asserts, this seemingly causes no issue with gameplay
- Merges Kalaposfos input brach to fix the multiple inputs issue on menu screens and comic cutscenes
- Since the input branch is merged, also has the WIP KBM and controller remap support (different from my version from remap branch)
- Replaced generic error with more informative one during the online checks for challenge missions
- The game basically has no issues now!
- Note: auto-updating this build will revert to official release, but you can finish the game entirely on this build