These tools are based on my thesis that is available for free on:
A library containing data anonymization tools for R.
# 1. Install "devtools" package on R
# 2. Install the "anon" package on R
devtools::install_github("rajalah71/anon") # or /anon@paketti
# 3. Load the "anon" library
The package contains 4 functions to anonymize your data:
The package also contains functions to measure the success of the anonymization on three levels: privacy, utility and similarity.
kanon = kAnon(iris, k=5, quasiIdentifiers = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species"))[1:10, ]
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
## 2 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
## 3 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
## 4 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
## 5 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
## 6 5.143750 3.537500 1.5625 0.3625 setosa
## 7 5.143750 3.537500 1.5625 0.3625 setosa
## 8 5.211111 3.733333 1.5000 0.2000 setosa
## 9 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
## 10 4.844000 3.248000 1.3840 0.1880 setosa
This uses all columns as quasi identifiers by default and operates on them with mean on numeric columns and with mode on categorical ones.
You can define your own generalization functions and on what columns the function will operate on. These functions must be on a list with item names matching the names of the quasi-identifier columns. The columns will be worked on the order you name them, or by cardinality on descending order if left unnamed.
ldiv = lDiversity(iris, sensitiveAttributes = "Species", quasiIdentifiers = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), l=2)[1:10, ]
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 2 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 3 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 4 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 5 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 6 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 7 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 8 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 9 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
## 10 5.036538 3.4 1.601923 0.3096154 setosa
- Works similiarly to kAnon, you just need to specify the sensitive attribute(s). If your data has multiple sensitive attributes with too high cardinality, one can use the ‘sensitive_generalizer’ function to reduce the cardinality of those variables. This, however, will negatively impact the utility of the data.
rsa = encrypt(iris)[1:10, ]
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 0.5062727 0.85605128 0.1306362 0.95801477 0
## 2 0.4924734 0.11105757 0.1306362 0.95801477 0
## 3 0.1035438 0.21286712 0.3367670 0.95801477 0
## 4 0.1131051 0.06792302 0.2303505 0.95801477 0
## 5 0.1469582 0.97099976 0.1306362 0.95801477 0
## 6 0.1432559 0.67730414 0.7074619 1.00000000 0
## 7 0.1131051 0.01329477 0.1306362 0.06332291 0
## 8 0.1469582 0.01329477 0.2303505 0.95801477 0
## 9 0.2352112 0.94542718 0.1306362 0.95801477 0
## 10 0.4924734 0.06792302 0.2303505 0.71684865 0
- Encrypts the data using a new RSA key = 2048 bits by default. Do not distribute the public key.
# General usage:
spectral(iris, your_anon_function, on_matrices = "U")
- Anonymizes data on the spectral basis provided by SVD,
$M = UDV'$ . Supports any anonymization function$f: R^{a \times b} \to R^{a \times b}$ . In this package, helper functions ‘cell_swap’ and ‘sensitive_noise’ are provided for permutations and additive noise respectively.
# Example usage, spectral permutation:
# Performs column permutations on each column of the matrix U
swap = spectral(iris, cell_swap, on_matrices = "U")
swap[1:10, ]
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.906487 2.375044 5.527025 2.1438910 virginica
## 2 5.847684 2.546313 4.365635 1.5204523 versicolor
## 3 5.306746 2.705059 4.028581 1.3372955 virginica
## 4 5.979122 3.195010 4.241218 1.3209798 virginica
## 5 5.026914 3.566041 1.349429 0.2506105 setosa
## 6 6.269000 2.947778 3.900450 1.5309855 virginica
## 7 7.114459 3.143902 5.825558 1.3976396 versicolor
## 8 6.035461 2.587460 5.519373 1.9293927 versicolor
## 9 6.238483 1.997127 5.770913 2.0936210 versicolor
## 10 4.918707 3.244483 1.459265 0.1719687 setosa
# Example usage spectral noise:
# Adds random noise on the columns of the matrix UD
noise = spectral(iris, sensitive_noise, on_matrices = "UD")
noise[1:10, ]
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.337824 2.8861675 5.1825368 3.4646994 virginica
## 2 7.791283 -0.2818075 4.9768479 -0.5521176 virginica
## 3 -2.445947 2.9421279 -1.6576780 1.4666112 virginica
## 4 5.748367 7.0424958 -1.8629956 4.4918546 setosa
## 5 1.315619 4.8930406 -10.1622020 -5.1917895 setosa
## 6 3.664768 3.1356003 2.2826870 1.5216045 virginica
## 7 4.229952 4.9171275 -0.4297981 -0.8479759 setosa
## 8 6.889078 -0.3392106 11.2470468 5.7660687 virginica
## 9 3.476335 -2.5037215 9.0381173 4.8878416 virginica
## 10 4.459015 2.6773951 8.0109034 3.1565152 virginica
# Re-identification rate
ri_rates = reidentification_rate(list("original" = iris, "anon" = swap), quasiIdentifiers = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species"))
lapply(ri_rates, median)
## $original
## [1] 0.9933333
## $anon
## [1] 0.006666667
- The re-identification rate has dropped significantly after the anonymization.
prediction_plot(iris, k=5, swap)
- Also check the utility (performance on a model of interest, for example) and similarity (of means and variances, for example) of the anonymized data against those of the original data.
# Utility
trainIndices = sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), nrow(iris), replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.7, 0.3))
train = iris[trainIndices, ]
test = iris[!trainIndices, ]
anon_train = spectral(train, sensitive_noise, on_matrices = "UD")
lm = lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species, data = train)
lm_anon = lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species, data = anon_train)
testRsquared_multimodel(list("Original" = lm, "Anon" = lm_anon), test, response = "Sepal.Length")
## names results
## [1,] "Original" "0.866588998862304"
## [2,] "Anon" "0.799721276792281"
- The coefficient of determination on test data has dropped after the anonymization, meaning that the utility of the data has dropped.
# Similarity
mediansAll(list("Original" = iris, "Anon" = swap))
## [1] "Means:"
## $Medians
## Anon
## -8.658583e-17
## $MADs
## Anon
## 1.843057e-16
## [1] "Vars:"
## $Medians
## Anon
## 0.01042568
## $MADs
## Anon
## 0.009326122
## [1] "Cors:"
## $Medians
## Anon
## 0.02565579
## $MADs
## Anon
## 0.01554227
- The means, variances and correlations have changed after the anonymization.